Hawkfish attack

I just saw a flame hawkfish eat a cleaner shrimp. The hawkfish was smaller than the shrimp, it was swimming around with half out it hanging out of it's mouth. Do hawkfish attack shrimp often or is this a rare event?


This is VERY VERY common. its almost 100% that your hawkfish will eat your shrimp. its not recommended at all the have hawkfish and shrimp together. i always hear post about can i keep hawk fish with shrimp...the answer is NO! Also its a bad idea to have hawk fish and anthias.


bubble, do you make this up or are you serious?
I have two cleaner shrimp and a flame hawk, purple tang and psuedochromis. The flame hawk has never done anything to the two shrimps... were are you getting your facts?


We have a long nose hawkfish and a peppermint shrimp (also some small gobies). I have also been told that hawks will go after shrimp. Ours attempted the first day and now leaves the shrimp alone. In another post someone recommended that if we keep the hawk well fed and train it to "beg" for food then they eventually leave other prey alone. OUr gobies tend to hide in the rocks most of the day but come out to eat and the hawk leaves them alone. I suspect when he gets bigger (now about 2 1/2 inches) he may get some new hunting ideas! We love our long nose. The kids named him pinnocchio!
Good luck with yours and as everyone tells me on this board...every fish has a different personality! :D


I forgot, it is posible to keep shrimp with hawkfish, just the shrimp have to be MUCH MUCH bigger then the hawk. was your hawk bigger then the shrimp?
No, the shrimp was bigger than the hawkfish. The hawkfish isn't mine, I just saw it happen at the fish store. This hawkfish is only about 2 inches long.


I have a red hawk w/ no shrimp,but I see the hawk(3in.) go after my henniochus,sailfin tang,and a tomato clown..all 2-3 times his side in a 125 gal


Most Hawkfish will attack shrimp and other small crustaceans! Size really has nothing to do with it, since I've seen hawkfish atack shrimps 2 times their sizes flip them over onto their backs and take bite out of their softer underside! but as with all fish there is a degree of individuality and some may attack while other may not. If well fed most hawkfish should leave you ornamental shrimp alone ;)