haze in water


:rolleyes: i changed my crushed coral to sand after 2 days and a diatom treatment the water remains cloudy,an y help out there?thanks eel.


Was it in water? Should say ls on it if it was and would be pretty expensive.
The difference is the live sand has the bacteria on it so it clears up faster maybe 1-3 day for me.
And it does not get cloudy with current.
I used dead sand in my refugium and it took atleast a week to clear up. Maybe 2 weeks.
But can become cloudy with current. I stuck my hand in there and there was another sand storm.
It will become live after a while and not cloud the water when you disturb the sand.
How bad is it?
Any fish in ther?
Could run the filters but it can be bad for impellors.
Some polyester fiber will catch the small partcles.


thanks for the reply,the water has a slight haze to it,the fish are fine,what i dont understand is whymthe diatom didnt clear it.


Just give it some time and everything should settle down. Did you rinse the sand thoroughly before putting it in the tank? You might also want to run a couple bags of carbon.