Hazey eye


Active Member
Need more info...
Which angel species is it? How long have you had it? Have you moved or relocated him recently?


New Member
thank you for writing me back! it took me a bit to figure out how to see my old post.. lol.. airhead sorrry :) anyhow... it is an emperor angel.. i have not moved her and have had her for about 2 months now... it started out as a havey eye but now has gotten pretty bad! her eye is hazed over with red in it and her fin is completeley gone.. she also has a ulcer type sore near her fin.. its so sad
i have moved her to a QT tank and added melafix to the water.. hopefully this helps...my other two fish ... a PJ cardnal and Diamond back goby are fine..


Active Member
Well unfortunately I only have more bad news. What you purchased as a "Emperor Angel" is actually a Koran Angel. Both appear close as juveniles before changing to adult colors. I only bring this up as the price differential between the two is usually significant. A Koran juvi is usually between $29-$49. I've seen Emperor Juvi's from $49-$110. The other point is that personally, as an adult, some people found the Koran not very attractive. But definitely if you bought the angel under it being sold as an Emp, you've been had.
Koran Angelfish Juvenile

Emperor Angelfish Juvenile

As for the problems at hand, I see two, the popeye and the bacterial infection (the red areas).
A couple questions first, I think it might be the pic, but how small is the QT? The photo appears that it's literally just an inch or so bigger then the angel? What are the water parameters of the tank? Ammonia, pH, Nitrite, and Nitrate are the important ones.


New Member
well i spent 60 bucks... so i guess i wasnt ripped off to horribly.. but i still was told it was an emperor.. The QT tank is a 3 gallon i had laying around the house... its all i can do for now other then leave her in the regualr tank.. i figured it was better then nothing... i used the water from my regular tank which i tested yesterday and all my levels were normal.. although i have had my tank for a year.. i feel like i have tons to learn and unfortunatly my lfs is not very helpful... lets put it this way when i first started they sold me a gropper (sp?) and told me it would stay small.. i researched when i got home and saw how huge theytrully get... I think they saw a sucker walking in the door.... do you mind if i add you as a buddy on here? i need to pick your brain :)
second.. i have been doing a lot of reading.. i have been struggaling with red slime for months now... i read it is due to high nirtrites... my results come back normal, but do you think the algae is throwing my results off?? if my nitrates were low i wouldnt have the algea problem right?


Active Member
I am not sure about your algae issue with the cyano but cyano is caused by a number of things. It is easy to get rid of with something called chemi clean. I love the stuff and it relieved my cyano within HOURS!! I struggled with the manual remove, water changes and phosphate removal. Nothing helped til I got this stuff. It's worth the money and it's definitely worth a try if you're sick of no progress.
I bought mine here online at SWF.com. It's about 20 bucks, don't pay anymore than that locally or online. It only takes just a little so buy the small size.
On to your fish-
That infection looks pretty bad. The fins have started tearing and the fish looks far gone. Fear not, if you take care of it properly, you can probably save the little fish.
That QT is quite small, I would suggest putting the fish in anything else. In the past, I have used a 36 gallon rubbermaid bin that I had laying around. You know the ones you buy at target for like 10 bucks? I stole one from my garage that had Xmas decor in it, popped in a heater (warmer water is better for a QT) and then popped in a power head. Also, any light will do, I have very little light in mine... More light stresses the fish.
I have never used melafix, so I am not what the specifications are or what it's for. I would suggest going to ***** or petsmart and picking up some Maracyn 2. It has to be #2 as that is for saltwater fishes. There is a picture of a powder blue tang on the box. Does that as recommended and make sure that you double dose the first day. Every day you will need to do a 10% water change in the QT, before adding that days medications to the tank.
NEXT- Contact BETH on here. She is the fish medical guru. She has taught me a lot and saved countless fish. Just send her a PM.
Good luck.