HD DVD or Blue Ray


Which one will Survive. Remember Sony had the Beta thing and lost big time due to poor marketing. Did they do it again and relied on the PS3 to boost Blue Ray DVD sales. My local two Walmarts stop carring Blue Ray due to low sales and I asked the DVD attendent at Best Buy what DVDs are they selling the most of. He said even after the PS3 release HD DVD are still out selling Blue Ray four to one. Yes Blue Ray is 1080p and HD DVD right now is 1080i. I am leaning twards as you can probably tell HD DVD. I found out today that I can get an ad on for my xbox360 for 199 compared to 999 for a Blue Ray player.


Active Member
Yeah but Blue Ray uses hyperdynamic xenon capacitor ball bearing grease which keeps your litterbox smelling great.


Blue Ray is better, but people wont spend the money on it so it will disappear soon. Its a shame!


Active Member
ah jeeze.......we just got rid of our last VCR in the house.
At some point one of them will lose and I believe it will be the blue ray. Too close on the heels of the DVD.



Originally Posted by Phixer
Yeah but Blue Ray uses hyperdynamic xenon capacitor ball bearing grease which keeps your litterbox smelling great.


Well, Sony's manipulated the market before. Before Playstation pretty much ALL video games were cartridges.
I'm not saying blu-ray will be in more households because Sony adopted it, I'm saying it's quite possible blu-ray will be adopted as a standard video game format.
In the opinion of a not-too-technologically savvy person with no first-hand experience with blu-ray or hd-dvd; I bet hd-dvd will win movies, blu-ray will win games.


Active Member
First to market is usually the winner regardless if it is the best. I'm waiting a little longer myself.


Originally Posted by windmill
Well, Sony's manipulated the market before. Before Playstation pretty much ALL video games were cartridges.
I'm not saying blu-ray will be in more households because Sony adopted it, I'm saying it's quite possible blu-ray will be adopted as a standard video game format.
In the opinion of a not-too-technologically savvy person with no first-hand experience with blu-ray or hd-dvd; I bet hd-dvd will win movies, blu-ray will win games.

An excellent point especially with the data storage capacity of blue-ray


I work in a high end home theater shop and we already bought 3 Blu Ray DVD players (Samsung) they are AMAZING! Everyone who walks in our door wants one, too bad we don't have a distributor for them! My boss bought our 3 on Amazon for $715.00 each.


Active Member
If you google long enough, there was a story not too long ago about a team that put out a player that did both..