HD southdown


Ok here is the deal, I went to HD that had a couple years ago the south down sand I had used in my tank. well now they did not, but had bags that looks like the same colors and everything. Someone told me before that southdown had several different names and bla bla bla. I did the vinegar test and it fizzed, the only thing confusing me is that on the bag it said not recomended for aquarium use.. is this a prob?


No. If it fizzed it should be fine. The probably print that on the bag for liability reasons. They don't want your tank to crash and be sued for thousands.


Active Member
Everyone here says that it is safe to use. I, personally always pay attention to the label.
The only reason I say this is because why would they put that warning there? They want to sell as much of their product as they can.... I don't see why they would limit their market by putting a warning on the bag that doesn't belong there.
My guess is that it may cause long-term (years down the road)problems in an aquarium, and nobody that advocates its use has had a tank up long enough to experience it.
It up to you though. The majority, if not all of the people in these forums say it is perfectly safe :)


thanks guys. Yea thats what i thought, i figured it was liability reasons. I mean it is natural tropical sand, with no additives, i guess why wouldnt it be safe



Originally posted by mudplayerx
The only reason I say this is because why would they put that warning there?.... I don't see why they would limit their market by putting a warning on the bag that doesn't belong there.

mudplayerx - Didn't you just post on another thread about the improper label on your skimmer? Something to the effect of it claiming to produce bubbles when in reality is doesn't. Have you suddenly changed your ways and now believe everything you read?
I'm not trying to be mean, I just found the opposing opinions in 2 posts a bit humorous.

bill f

Most people will tell you they market it as playground sand at $3-$4 for a 40lb bag because whos going to pay $35-$40 for a 40lb bag. Its the same product as the sell specifically for aqauriums at the higher $$$.
Bailey I bought the stuff at HD in Moorestown made by OLD CASTLE and it the same stuff as Southdown. The company was sold.

bill f

I'm in Haddonfield.
I bought it about 2 months ago, but haven't used it yet as I haven't had time to set up my new aquarium. Do they still have alot, not sure if I bought enough?


Well i went to the Hd this time in delran, it wasnt south down but same colors and all i think its still the same company, anyway, Used two bags and 16lb bag of live sand on top of that. I also have a 90, but i would recomend using 3 bags. What fish stores do you goto?

bill f

New tank is a 180, I bought 8 bags and will top with LS. Going with a deep sand bed.
I'm bad in the names because they al sound similar but
There's a store thats new to me over in Philly, the Hidden Reef, that I think I'll be going to from now on. The store has everything and its reasonably priced. Good Looking stuff!!
I also stop in the two that are right near each other on 70 and 73.
I also like the Aquarium Center on Blackwood Clementon Rd., Gloucester Twp.
And of course the one on 130 in Pennsauken
Do you know of any others?


Active Member
There's quite a difference in one label claiming that their product is capable of something, and another label warning that their product isn't intended to be used in a certain way.
I fully expect all companies to claim that their product is the best. I'm not trying to be mean either, I just don't feel I contradicted myself in any way. No hard feelings at all Mbrands, I like your pic of your dogs :)


Nope, there was one in delran near me that had everything i could need, but they sold to diff people, and now its just not the same. The one in Blackwood was awesome, somewhat far for the once a week trip if needed, but still great. I am a regular the the discount aquarium on 73, and yes, the one in pennsauken, prices arent bad. The only prob is the people in pennsauken really give bad advice sometimes.... where is this one in philly? sounds great! good luck with the tank too


Hey bill what do you plan on doing with your tank? Reef? FO? FOWLR?? If you are planning on buying Live rock.. I am also, and we might be able to get a great deal by buying a lot at once if interesed

bill f

Its in the NE off academy road. You cant give websites here but the name is in the address with thye usual www's & com's. You can fill in the blanks. They don't sell on the web directly. It really is The Hidden Reef as it tuck in between strip malls and kind of tuff to find initially. You can get directions of their web site. I have been there to check it put and it blows the the other places away.

bill f

I've been tossing this back and forth. Right now I have a FOLR with some srooms and minor stuff. But I do like Angels and some other fish that are not reef safe. But I kind of getting bored with just the fish so I may swing to a reef. By the way, the LR at that store is Figi at under $4. Cheapest by far than any other store I've been to. They get it in every monday they said, so when I set up my tank I going to cycle it with the new uncured rock. At that $$ I don't think there any discounting.



Originally posted by mudplayerx
I'm not trying to be mean either, I just don't feel I contradicted myself in any way. No hard feelings at all Mbrands

Fair enough. Just trying to give you a hard time.
Originally posted by mudplayerx

I like your pic of your dogs :)

Thanks! :D George looks pretty good in your avatar too!