HD video of my 30 gallon tall tank



watch in HD, its a little choppier but the color is truer. I know I need to paint my back glass you can see all my wires but I dont care right now. I had to pull a piece of my zoa rock that was engulfed in some type of root-like green algae bubbles. I used mini scissors to cut all the root and yank it out. Hopefully that help with my hair algae problem


Active Member
Tank looks great!
What kind of HOB filter are you using? Or is it a skitter? And are the clownfish your only two fish? Keep up the good job.

tax lady

Great pristine tank. How do ya keep the glass so clear? Are there seahorses in the back? Kinda looks like them.


thanks for the compliments guys. Yes, the only fish are the two clowns. They are very personable to people but they HATE other fish. I have tried to introduce a coral beauty, a six line, and mandarin and the female clown has terrorized all them.
The tank looks clean because I had just done a huge cleaning, also keep the fine filter pads in the canister as the last thing the waer passes through before it comes back in the tank. THe thing hanging on the back is a redsea prism skimmer and I highly recommend it.