Head and Lateral Line Erosion ??


I got a brown tang from a friend that was moving. He was in a 40g??(something around that) I put him in my 90g. he eats well and acts fine I noticed that his color seems wrong.
It looks as if the top portion of his color and marking are gone in a noticable even line.
I was looking things up and think it may be Head and Lateral Line Erosion .
My question is how do I tell if it is still sick?? It does not seem to be getting and worse. and when it is better will the color come back??


We don't know for sure what exactly causes Marine Head and Lateral Line Erosion, so we can't give you exact advice on what to do. Usually if you reduce stress, improve nutritional regime, add vitamins and HUFA supplements to the diet, enhance water quality and also try beta glucan and garlic, the fish will improve. See the latest issue of Reefkeeping for an entire article on this problem.


I feed my Yellow Tang seaweed in a clip every other day if not every day. I also sometimes soak it in Selcon as I do other food I feed it. No ick yet!!!!


I think since I got him he is eating much better and has more room. He does not seen to be getting any worse. Just wondering if the color will return or will the line always be there??


How much the fish improves will depend on how intensive the erosion is. If it is relatively minor, the fish could make a complete recovery and no one might know it was once afflicted.