Head phone music


Active Member
Ok not sure how many people here know I weight training for 30 years.
My gym is a big metal building no heat or air. just a dungeon .
I love it hardcore only. no employees they just leave the doors open.
Well no music either. never used to bother me but I spend 5 days a week there and silence is getting old.
So I see some people with music head phones. now I am clueless what to buy and how.to load it. on tv I see head gear with no cords to a side unit.
Anyone here have a clue where I can start looking for something and how to load stuff I like. I don't have a home computer or laptop. just my phone


Well-Known Member
Just use your phone for your music and get a set of blue tooth headphones. Hundreds of designs out there for sport headphones.


Well-Known Member
Are you using Android or iPhone?

My wife and I share an account with Amazon music where we can buy music for our G7's.

Or you can subscribe to Internet radio.

Pull up play lists on you tube.

Tons of ways to listen.


Well-Known Member
You'll need to buy and download music then. We usually just use amazon music for that.

If you get a decent set of headphones that makes all the difference.

As long as you're within 20ft or so of your phone you're good.


Active Member
Pandora app it's free create your own music selection......It's easy..using Bluetooth wireless even better My neighbor cranks that talk politic radio when he is outside my headphones are the only thing that save his life.........Lol


Well-Known Member
Most all of the music or radio apps are free but they will bombard you with advertising until and limit your listening u till you subscribe.

But if you don't get signal for Internet in the building Pandora radio probably won't work.


Active Member
The apps won't let me.down load until late I put in a credit card.
I won't do that. I would.pay for something if it was worth.it.
But in a month I am sure I would have loaded all my music then I am sure it would be a pain to cancel


Well-Known Member
I just down loaded the app to my phone for kicks but it didn't ask for a card. Simply had to create an account with email, password and zip code.