Headache Help


sinner's girl

s for the OTC causing rebounds I had more problems with the prescription drugs causing rebounds than the Midol
Yep, prescription drugs can cause rebounds. the first med I was on...stupid med, no migraines, just daily headaches...
You are going to have to find out what your triggers are and what treatment works best for you.
That's if it's migraines, which the do should have been able to tell you...
do other types of headaches have triggers?
if it is migrains, there's a good book on triggers and such.
My job I cant afford to have a migraine and cant take meds that make me "dummy".
None of my meds that the doc gave made me dummy. (I once took something I thought was might, got that was horrible, I was speedy for over 24hours, couldn’t sit still, couldn’t think, I’d bounce from one thing to another, then I’d be down, then up, then down, then up. Ugh, horrible stuff.) I had to have something that wouldn't keep me awake or put me to sleep and since I was in school, I had to be able to think. However, I react well to codeine, others don't. I took a pill a climbed a gorge...it puts some to sleep. Fioricet with codeine worked wonders for me. I also had barbiturate that was for lesser headaches. Then a preventive I took nightly. The preventive did wonders.
Also, caffeine (if you don't drink a lot) will help migraines. Coffee. Once in high school, my mom made me drink a cup, I hated coffee but I did it. Caffeine thins the blood, which helps. BUT some people get jumpy on caffeine. In grad school, caffeine wouldn't work because I drank so much of it. On the other hand, if I went without my morning cup, I would get a killer one, and the pain would go away as I drank a cup. Coffee is more addicting than drugs or alcohol (for me anyway and in my family…mom and grandma are addicted to coffee).
What I meant by "dummy" was sluggish thinking or sleepy which most of the prescription migraine meds do. Working an ambulance with other peoples lives in my hands I have to be able to think and react quick - migraine or no migraine.
Alot of things can trigger a "normal" headache, lack of sleep, sinus problems, allergies etc.
Here is a brief description of the difference between a Migraine and a Headache.
Migraine is disease, a headache is only a symptom. Migraine pain is caused by vasodilation in the cranial blood vessels (expansion of the blood vessels), while headache pain is caused by vasoconstriction (narrowing of the blood vessels). During a migraine, inflammation of the tissue surrounding the brain, i.e., neurogenic inflammation, exacerbates the pain. Therefore, medicine often prescribed to treat a headache, such as beta-blockers, dilate the blood vessels and therefore can make a Migraine worse.
Unlike a headache, the Migraine disease has many symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, auras (light spots), sensitivity to light and sound, numbness, difficulty in speech, and severe semihemispherical head pain. One Migraine attack alone can last for eight hours, several days, or even weeks.


i feel for u i'm going through the same thing. i've had headaches everyday starting as soon as i wake up for roughly 5-6 months.. been to so many drs and still not sure exactly what's causing it.. good luck with it


Originally Posted by maroonytun
I feel for you to, they suck.
I felt like I was gonna pass out today.
ditto i got light headed and naucous had to leave work... another dr's apt tommorrow. wish me luck haha.


I wish you luck. I almost left school today, but didn't, because I have a field trip Friday and if I left today I wouldn't have gone on the field trip.


Active Member
my friend has been having the EXACT same problems as you, hes been gone this whole wekk, and part of last week


hey maroon do your headaches go away with aspirin or any of those other types of meds that claim to get rid of headaches? mine don't at all. i have also recently found out that i have to have all my wisdom teeth removed they think theres a possibility of that causing my headaches. so i have that apt next week. i'm seriously trying all possible options here i'm also scheduled to get put under on friday to have 4 facet joint injections done in my spine because they also said my back pains may also be a reason. i really hope one of these drs figure out soon if i do find out what it is i'll be sure to let u know. it's just extremly frustrating, as i'm sure ur aware.


have u been sent for a brain mri or anything? that was actualy the first thing they sent me for. i've also gotten glasses, and contacts, been to back drs, allergist, had both of my ears flushed, dentist, oral surgeon is next week. just a mess. haha

sinner's girl

forgot about that...ear infections and tooth infections (wisdom teeth) can cause headaches...
go to the dentist and ear doc!


Staff member
You you think the medication is doing more harm than good, then talk it over with your parents so you can decide what to do about it.
My son is a chronic headache person, even since he was a child. He used to have unbearable migraines. Now it is nagging migraines. He mostly take Excedrin which works pretty good for headaches.


Active Member
Excedrin....(the wally world brand) works sometimes for me. I think its the caffine.
The brand Excedrin Migraine BUGS me though because I don't mind buying private label stuff.....I look at the active ingredients. Excedrin Migraine is the EXACT thing as Excedrin/private label Excedrin. Very expensive IMO.
Ya know....allergies are a big thing too. From food to the air. We didn't know our son had a mild allergy to shell fish until he was tested for allergies. Since we really don't eat it, its good to know he does for future reference.
My husband has a deadly allergy to shellfish. So allergies are a big factor in daily health.


I was about 2 years ago getting very bad headaches all day everyday they would come an go and got worse in intensity. I went through catscans / mri's and they kept telling me it was migranes. I finally kept getting worse with headaches and my eyes finally went to blood shot. It looked like I was on drugs. they finally did a spinal tap and found I had spinal miningitis. I'm not the best with spelling!! They seem to think this can stem from a cold of some sort and prior to all the headaches about 1 to 2 months I had a small bout with strep throught. I would check into it if the headaches don't get better and they cannot find anything wrong!! Just a heads up.

sinner's girl

has your head doc told you want kind?
I hate when doc's try to treat something without trying to figure out the problem..
I woke up a7am with a killer one...rolled out of bed, took 3 tyonal, (sp), just made me sick, found my way to the couch...I don't have ice, so I was going to use popciciles (my normal wraps were in the bedroom, I didn't want to wake sinner), then I saw the ice things that go in my water bottles...I put one along my spine, and layed on it...was able to fall asleep! I need to get an ice pack like you use for lunches. Head still hurts, but I don't want to die...luckly I'm weak to move when I'm in that much pain so I can't do anything (like get a gun). Man, living never seems worth it when I'm having a killer one...


I was not the start of the post but their are two kinds. Bacterial and viral. one is very bad can cause death if untreated ( shut down organs ect). the other is not so bad and just causes head aches ect. I had one I think viral. I don't rememeber since it was 2 or 3 years ago. The one I had did not cause death but blood shot my eyes like I had smoked about 10 lbs of gonga and I had head aches and body aches started later on. I wound up going into the emergency room about 5 times over it before the spinal tap finally determined what I had. the last time I went in to get rid of the pain was 5 shots of morphine. When my headaches started it went from 2 times a day to more and more frequently and more intence. i am fine and normal now but I would suggest if problems persist and you have had any dental work done or have had any colds in the last couple months bring up with your doctor. I found that cold compresses on the back of my neck did seem to help may be worth a try.


all i know is i just returned from my the surgicenter and had 6 facet joint injections done in my lower back. not sure if it's the anestesia they attempted to put me under with(which they failed miserably, since i was wide awake for the whole entire thing) well i can for the first time in a long time say i do not have a headache.


Hey everyone,
I came home from school early, because of my headaches today, I was dizzy and I felt like I was going to pass out.
Thanks everyone for the help, it is very much appreciated,

sinner's girl

By any chance is there problem at school? do you get headaches at home/on the weekends/vactions?
Just a thought...