Heat ?


New Member
My tank is always set at 78 degrees, but at night it gets cold and I am concerned that there will be a flucuation in temp. I have a starfish and I am aware that they are sensitve to temp changes. What can I do at night to prevent heat loss in the tank besides turning the heater up in the tank?


Active Member
A quality heater of sufficient wattage should have a thermostat and should be able to maintain the set temperature.


New Member
What type of heater would you suggest? I have read that it is better to have two heaters of 50 watts in the tank to reduce cold spots? Is this true?


New Member
I have a 29gal FOWLR, and a marineland visi-therm heater 100 watts. I have it placed in the corner because I have to much LR and euipment. I am also concerned about water flow. I have a powerhead that is used for up to 30gal, but I am thinking that it there might not be enough water circulation it is also located in the corner of the tank. From what I have read in the forum's a protein skimmer and a filtration system will help with water flow, but I am not sure how much it helps. Would airstones be useful in water circulation?
Thank You for Your Help


New Member
The temperature drops about 2-3 degrees. I will rearrange some of the equipment and place the heater horizontally near the sand bed. I will also look into purchasing another powerhead. I appreciate your advice and taking the time to answer my questions.