Heater controller


I dont want all the stress of heating the tank on one heater. so i want to get a controller so that both heaters heat the tank at all times and if one fails i will still have one. My questionis what is a good controller thats not to expensive but works good. It will need to handle at least 800w.


Active Member
The Aquacontroller III has a temperature probe and can control both a chiller and a heater. Its pretty inexpensive too, usually around $65. You can get better ones around $99 though.


you mean the temp probe itself is $65, the aquacontroller III is around $400.
I just purchased a reefkeeper lite and love it. $150-$300 depening on what options you want.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JDL
you mean the temp probe itself is $65, the aquacontroller III is around $400.
I just purchased a reefkeeper lite and love it. $150-$300 depening on what options you want.
Nope, the entire unit cost $65. There is a big sale on one of the major pet supply sites out there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by c42480
Are they pretty easy to use. when it comes to computers im not the best.
I've never used a healer controller, but I do use a pH controller. The instruction manual is very confusing, but once you read it a few times you will understand it.
Basically you have to calibrate the probe 1st. After that you set the high point (when the heater turns off), the target range (the temp range you want the tank to stay), and the low point (the temp you want the heater to turn on).
You will do this by setting a temperature (say 80 degrees), then you will set a range (say 4 degrees). After doing this your heater will kick on at 78 and turn off at 82.
If you install a chiller too you just plug that in the 2nd outlet of the device. The device will power up the chiller if your temperature goes above the high point.


Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Nope, the entire unit cost $65. There is a big sale on one of the major pet supply sites out there.
i dont think we are talking about the same thing.
The Aquacontroller III made my nepture systems is a $300 controller for the head unit only.
some company probably does just make a temperature controller.
the aquacontroller Jr and the reefkeeper lite are great starter controllers that can monitor ph, temp, and control lighting systems. $150-$300 and they are easy to use. You can also buy more expensive controllers to do many other things.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JDL
i dont think we are talking about the same thing.
The Aquacontroller III made my nepture systems is a $300 controller for the head unit only.
some company probably does just make a temperature controller.
the aquacontroller Jr and the reefkeeper lite are great starter controllers that can monitor ph, temp, and control lighting systems. $150-$300 and they are easy to use. You can also buy more expensive controllers to do many other things.
I'm sorry! You were absolutely right. I went back to the site and it was only the probe for $65. My apologies.