Heater lifespan


Active Member
Out of curiosity, how long will a heater typically last? I have an Ebo Jager that I have been using for about 18 months now and I have noticed that the temp has been slowly dropping over the last several months. It has only fallen to 78 and it has remained relatively steady since despite the heater being set at about 82. I realize that the change in seasons could account for the change, but I would think that the heater would have compensated. Is my heater going bad on me?


Good question Mr. Bond, I would also like to know (I have a 300W Visitherm, although no fluctuations in past 6 months).


my ebo jager has always been set at about 82 but the water stays around 80. have had it for two years so im about to replace it soon i figure its safer to replace a 20$ of equipment now and then instead of having it age, wear out and possibly stick on and boiling my tank.


Active Member
I too noticed that there is about a 2 degree difference between the actual temp and the "setting".
I agree that I would rather replace the heater than risk boiling my tank, but I am still curious to know how long people typically go before replacing their heater. I would like to know if 18 months is typical, longer than or shorter than expected as to help me in my replacement purchase.


007, try adding a poll to this. I'm also curious as to how long people's heaters last. I've yet to replace my original Ebo jager after two years. Electrical problems leading to fires are the one major fear I have with this hobby.


Active Member

Originally posted by Daniel411
007, try adding a poll to this. I'm also curious as to how long people's heaters last. I've yet to replace my original Ebo jager after two years. Electrical problems leading to fires are the one major fear I have with this hobby.



I've noticed a 2 degree difference also. Mine haven't changed however once the deviation was factored in. My heaters all over 2 years old, one being over 5 years old.