Why not just go and buy an new, more reliable heater?
I use nothing Titanium heaters and I'd NEVER trust anything but those again.
A few years ago, I stumbled upon a small Scorpionfish, at a LFS in Chicago. No one had any idea what it was, so I picked it up for like $30.
Got home and started researching...come to find out, it was a species that had never been seen before. Shedd Aquarium, Monterey Bay, U.C. Berkeley, Boston Aquarium...they all wanted it. I sent pics to all of them, plus a few more places...no one had ever seen it.
One night, the glass heater in the Scorpions tank broke, killing the Scorpion, before anyone ever got a positive ID on it. From that point on, I've never taken ANY chances with heaters...Titanium, all the way...and, they're not really that expensive. I just picked up a new 300W for $35.
Sorry, this is off-topic, but it's a related story I gotta kick in, cause I still laugh to myself, every time I think about it.
2 years ago, at IMAC, the famed Dr. Frank Marini (in charge of the breeding forum, over at --, country renowned biologist, etc) was speaking about Scorpionfish and I, along with my friend James, sat in on his lecture. He had this great slide show up, showing all different species of Scorpionfish, Lionfish, etc. He started a sentence with "Now, this next picture is a Scorpionfish that I found, not too long ago and purchased. I took these pics of it, no one knows what it is, blah blah blah".
Well, he changed the slide and what do you know??...the pics he just claimed were his, were actually of the Scorpion that I mentioned above. He had stolen the pics off of another forum, where I'm a senior member and passed them off as his own. In the middle of his presentation, I stood up in front of over 150 people and called him out on it. He stumbled and stuttered, etc. etc. and basically closed down his show and walked off stage.
I wrote an email to the President of IMAC, along with a few others, explaining what had happend. Needless to say, Dr. Marini has never once been invited back to IMAC.
Sorry...back to the heater thread!