Heater Problems!!!

Okay so this week has been a bad week for me! My 125 gallon reef tank has a water temp of 85 degrees OMG! I check the heater and the temp is set at 78 degrees. How could the temp in the water rise this high? I turned off my lights for 24 hours to bring the temp down. Still no luck! I unplugged the heater... still no luck! I even put ice in the sump... No luck! Any thoughts what could be wrong? What should I do...


Have you had the same hot weather the last couple of days (I'm in Ma.) Didn't feel like turning on the A/C on at first, but I couldn't take it anymore! My tank temp went up a couple of degrees(usually around 78 but topped out at 83), had to make sure heater was off & shut lights off also. Looks like I'm going to purchase a chiller.


Active Member
Get a new heater and a controller... You can also place a fan on the sump or over the DT to help evap which will bring down the tank temp


Active Member
A fan blowing across the sump or surface of the tank will bring the temp down....Obviously something is causing the heat probably the house, but your saying the house is 78 degrees....the hood will hold in heat as well.....Is it possible your return pump is producing the heat?
I placed two small fans on the top of the sump and the temp came down to 78 degrees within 10 hours. All is good again!