Heater Question/Confusion


Well, I finally received my filter, protein skimmer, powerhead, and heater from an online source. When I ordered the heater, the description stated that it was submersible. it's an Ebo-Jaeger (sp) 200w. However up by the dial, it states, do not immerse in water above this writing. What gives? I thought submersible meant, totally under water? I guess I'm mistaken. Any thoughts?:help:


Active Member
It has something to do with the UL code. In some countries submersible heaters are not allowed so the company puts a max. water line on the same heater that usually has a min. water line.


Ebo Jager is all I use....I just checked one and it says "Min water level" its submersable.
I have the old style with just numbers for settings, and the newer ones with actual temp numbers.
Both work Great.