heater question

I have a 75g tank, temp is not maintaining, currently I have a 300w in the sump, can I add a 150w or should I take out the 300w and add 2 150w?


Active Member
What's the room temp? I don't see why the 300w heater wouldn't be enough.....Are you sure the heater is functioning correctly....If you replace you might want to go with 2 smaller heaters instead of 1 big heater.


Active Member
A working 300w swhould heat a 75gallon just fine. I have a 90 with a 300w and have no problems. I your heater is not functioning properly then remove it and get 2x150w.
The room temp is about 72, I live in Michigan and it has been really cold here.
The temp would drop a couple of degrees and then we turned it up and it would go up too high, we keep trying to get it at the right temp, but it doesn't seem to want to keep it there.


Active Member
Yeah I live in PA and gets cold as well, and keep fishroom temp at 70, and I'd have to say the heater is on it's way out.....I'd opt for a new heater.....


New Member
Try covering up your sump with a lid (glass or acrylic) even a partial cover might keep some heat in. Hope that helps you.


Active Member
I use visitherm heaters. I had a glass one and it broke. So then I switched to the stealth one (aluminum covered in plastic, won't break), well 2 of them. They hold temperature real nice, I fluctuate about .6 degrees a day at the worst, most of the time around .3. Plus they are cheap and have a lifetime warranty.


Could the fact that in this case all the heating eggs are in one basket . . . er, sump be an issue?
Think about it . . . the sump is a relatively small mass of water that's turning over rapidly. The heater is probably straining to heat the water as it passes through, and there's nothing in the tank to help maintain the temp.
Maybe try moving the heater to the tank itself and see if that helps. Also, some heaters can have very touchy dials and it takes quite a while for an increase to be registered on the thermometer.
The heater is ample in capacity, I have 400w total for my 90g (200w in sump, 200w in tank) and the temp stays stable even though the household temp can drop down to the very low 60s at night or on cold days when the house is unoccupied.


Originally Posted by fbm
I use visitherm heaters. I had a glass one and it broke. So then I switched to the stealth one (aluminum covered in plastic, won't break), well 2 of them. They hold temperature real nice, I fluctuate about .6 degrees a day at the worst, most of the time around .3. Plus they are cheap and have a lifetime warranty.
Just a FYI, I had a Visitherm Stealth heater and it did indeed break. The outer housing separated from the control and shorted out in my tank. I hope that it was a freak thing, but I just wanted to mention that they are not unbreakable.