HEelllp with my anemone


My anemone is acting weird, my lights where out for a week and just got new ones, i had a smaller light on top those few days untill my new lighting system came in but now that i have my stronger lights(vho's 4, 48inch 110watts) and the lights are back on it seems to have lost some of its color and its eating but not opening as much as it did, at least half smaller then before, it isnt moving around at all in fact has been in the same spot for almost 7 months or more now. does it sound like its dieing? in shock of the new lights? trying to split? if it dies can it kill everything in my tank? I have heard this before? please help. thanks so much


Not that I'm much help here with this particular subject, or any other
, as I'm still figuring out my first anemone.
I would tend to think, that if its eating, that would be a good sign.
It may be just acclimating itself from darkness(so to speak) to the new lighting.
I would probably stay on top of water parameters though. I like notes and more notes and this website.
Let us know.


I think it's just the shock of the lights. Hows the coral doing?


the coral is doing great and loving the light,....... im going to take a pic of him tonight and post it, i put some food in and he looked to be eating today as well, he is just so small looking and not all puffed up.


Active Member
a week of no lights usually means that or more before it gets back to normal...as long as its not spitting out innards your fine


if it dies can it kill things in my tank though? i have heard this before? and spitting inwards? what do you mean? it is way smaller then what it normal looks like.


ok i have read if they look like they are melting then thats really bad, and he looks almost like he really is melting, i dont want to take him out if he has a chance to get better, what should i do? i dont have a qt tank


Active Member
innards are the insides (guts) of the anenome...so if it looks like he's puking his insides out thats bad...the vhos should really help him out, and feeding. but if he doesnt take it may be on its way out...hope all works out


he lots alot of color from the lights being out but he seems to be eating and he isnt throwing up nothing, should i flush him? i really dont want to


Active Member
No,don't flush... I believe its a little faded due to not having lights for a couple days...now that you have the lights up and running again,it should be fine. Give it some time.


could take a month or more just depends on a lot of factors keep it feed and keep an eye on its foot,
is it an LTA if so I have found they are pretty reselent guys. Mine has worked its way into the powerhead and around the protectors 3 times now and still going strong.


i thought it was a bta but i don't think it is anymore, im not really sure what kind it is 100 percent i just don't want it to die and feel bad it took a week to get my lights shipped in and hurt its health, my tomato clown keeps beating it up because it knows something isn't right,


kinda looks like an LTA but when BTAs are stressed they can start to look like an LTA. the clown is just doing whats natural it wallows in it to get a slime coat to cover itself to protect itself from getting stung. I think you will start to see improvent once your lights get going good and on a regular schedule. it really doesnt look super bad to me just stressed just try to keep it from getting more stressed. If you have a sump or fuge and can catch the clown you might think of moving it to it for awhile till the anemone recovers in full.


update, he seems to have moved about 2 inches in my tank , he is all the way white though so I guess he has bleached? he seems to still be eating, he seems to be getting a little bigger when the light is off, doesn't he like my new lighting or not? Isnt it a bad sign he has moved some? or do they sometimes just move?