hello all im new to nano tank not to he hobby need alittle help


me an the wife just purchased a 12g jbj deluxe to add to the bedroom i would like to know whats the first steps i should do to start the new tank ? these are the things i have so far plus i also can take media from my other oceanic 144 if need to
12g jbj deluxe
20 pounds of live sand
nano koralia
15 pounds of dried out live rock
can i use the stock media ? or should it be changed out
Originally Posted by Mega
me an the wife just purchased a 12g jbj deluxe to add to the bedroom i would like to know whats the first steps i should do to start the new tank ? these are the things i have so far plus i also can take media from my other oceanic 144 if need to
12g jbj deluxe
20 pounds of live sand
nano koralia
15 pounds of dried out live rock
can i use the stock media ? or should it be changed out
You're referring to the stock filtration in the back of the nano cube? You can keep it but you'll find almost everybody changes it out for chemi-pure elite, purigen, live rock rubble, and chaeto. I have a 24g nano cube and have modified just about everything in there. I think the only original thing in my tank is the actual tank itself.... Oh yeah, you might end up replacing the lights too which I did.


when should i put the chemi-pure in ? i have two 10oz regular pure how ofter should it be change ? i already changed out rubble in-place of bio-balls


Active Member
im sorry contra but LR Rubble in the back in the chambers is a bad MAJOR idea. It will collect detritus which will become Nitrates which we dont want that. just add chaetomorpha thats the most important part. you already have LR in the DT so no need in having it in the back. For the koralia nano i would get a koralia 1. i would also buy the Sunpod 70w HQI for the tank if you wanna do sps and have better lighting system.
for return pump i would replace it with a maxi-jet 900 or 1200. or spanko might let you know on a rio thats good.
here read this for the chambers:
First you will notice in the back of your tank you will have three chambers. In the 1st you will have a big sponge, 2nd small sponge, bag of ceramic rings, carbon and bio balls. 3rd you got your pump.
Now to start off i want you to take everything out of chambers 1 & 2. Dont touch 3.
Next i would like you to go to LFS or search online for these items.
Fliter Floss
Small Light.
In Chamber one you will want to put in the Chemi-pure, Purigen and Filter Floss. The Filter Floss is optional, if you do use it i would replace every week or two, depends on how dirty it get.
Chamber two Is where you put the Cheato and light. The best way for it, is to add the Cheato in a cup. Keeps back area a bit cleaner. Now for the light i have an AZOO PALM LIGHT Cant post links, but google it and you will find it.


thanxs nissan how would i utilize the light in back for the chaeto when should it be on or off also when u speak of filter floss are u talking about Polyester Floss ? thanxs
Originally Posted by nissan577
im sorry contra but LR Rubble in the back in the chambers is a bad MAJOR idea. It will collect detritus which will become Nitrates which we dont want that. just add chaetomorpha thats the most important part. you already have LR in the DT so no need in having it in the back.
Now wait a minute here. The live rock rubble is suppose to be in place of the bio balls. To my understanding the live rock rubble does NOT collect detritus. You have more critters there to help break things down. It's the bioballs that gets stuff trapped.
I take that back Nissan. I just pulled my rubble out and sure enough just like you said. I shoulda known better than to question the master.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Contraband629
I take that back Nissan. I just pulled my rubble out and sure enough just like you said. I shoulda known better than to question the master.

dont ever question me!
its cool no worries