Hello All!


New Member
Im a newbie with a 180 gal tank running for approx 2 weeks now. I'm looking for some opinions on the this combo of fish that I would like to have in my fish only tank once I get started, along with any other helpful advice:
Stars and stripes puff
Porc puff
clown trigg
snowflake eel
naso tang
clown tang
picasso trigg
Niger trigg
What do you think? Too many aggressive critters or would it work?? Is it best for me to introduce them all at the same time?? Also, would I be able to have any clean up guys as part of this combo or no???
And last question - I was told by my local saltwater aquar. store that I really don't need a protein skimmer. I currently have a wet/dry and uv ster. Whats your opinion on that too?? THANKS IN ADVANCE guys!!


Active Member
I dont know about the the puff's but I think only 1 per tank and I think you have to many triggers also.


To me a protein skimmer is a must as I believe most people here would agree.
It helps maintain the quality of your water along with water changes. I do mine every 2 weeks.


Active Member
I would suggest posting, if you have not already, in the aggressive forum for more input on your fish selection.
However, on a FO I VERY STRONGLY encourage you to get a protein skimmer - and a good one at that. You don't have as many options for a clean up crew (snails, hermits) and you tend to feed a lot. That means you really can't do without a protein skimmer, IMO.


I agree 100% You can call me the protein skimmer police, I always say that a protein skimmer is the most important part of a salt water tank. (Well... second after live rock).
Oh yes, and Ophiura's suggestion about the agressive forum is a good one too.
Welcome to the boards! :happyfish


Once you let the protein skimmer run for a few days then go to clean it you will see why every one recommends them. IMO dont skimp on the protein skimmer bigger is better.