Hello all!



Hi everyone. I have been checking out the forums for a few days, reading the New hobbyist info mostly. (apparently, the forum doesn't like my name, as it chopped off the N at the end... Ethereal_Dragon)... A saltwater aquarium is something that I have always wanted, but haven't had the time or funds required in the past to do so. I am currently trying to sell my house, and once that is done, I will likely take the plunge with making purchases, etc.
In the time being, I would like to educate myself as much as I can on the topic, so that I am fully prepared to care for the tank. From what I have been seeing on the boards, patience is key in this hobby, and it's a good thing I am a patient person.
Can anyone recommend good literature for reading up on saltwater aquariums? I have seen a few posts recommending that people do reading before getting into the hobby, but I didn't see anything specific referenced.
I would like to (when I start), have a reef tank with clowns. The one I have been looking at is a JBJ 28 Gallon Nano Cube HQI Aquarium. I am still a few months off on the purchase though, so I have plenty of time to shop around for an aquarium. Do any of you have suggestions for websites or stores to look for tanks?
There are so many questions that I have, but I think I will save them until after I read up on the topic more.
Thanks everybody!!


Well-Known Member

Good books..
I learned from these:
Saltwater Aquariums for dummies by: Gregory Skomal
The Conscientious marine Aquarist by: Robbert M. Fenner
You came to right place to learn. Keep us posted on your progress, I'm looking forward to seeing your tank all set up.


Active Member
The Nano Reef Handbook by Chris Brightwell is another good one, especially for nano tanks like you are thinking about.

shrimpy brains

Welcome to the boards!!

All of the above books are great. Also, I recommend reading threads, especially the ones that are stikied to the top of each forum. Very good info in all of these.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains
Welcome to the boards!!

All of the above books are great. Also, I recommend reading threads, especially the ones that are stikied to the top of each forum. Very good info in all of these.

Welcome to the boards