Hello Everyone Im new to the seen! Please help with advice


New Member
I just bought a 55 gallon aquarium. And would like any helpful advice you can offer.
this will be my first saltwater aquarium.
THanks again. :confused:
READ, READ, READ and read some more BEFORE you start. You willsave yourself a lot of time, trouble, money and frustration. Get some reference books from your local fish store (LFS) and decide what kind of tank you want and how to go about it before you start.
Welcome aboard and good luck!


I agree. It will save you a lot of time, heartache, and money if you educate yourself about the hobby first. Please be patient! All of us learn it either the hardway or the easy way to be patient. You probably want to read up on cycling now to start out.


New Member
like the other's mentioned,read. then
plan carefully and be very patient. you will
be tempted, believe me you will be, to add
fish and corals early, but must refrain from
that. it will pay off big time. patient in
a time frame of 8-12 weeks for your tank to
sufficiently cycle. maybe more, maybe less,
every tank is different, especially new ones
for newcomers of the hobby. an excellent
book to read is THE NEW MARINE AQUARIUM by
michael s. paletta. price can range from
$15-25, depending where you can get it from.
good luck, and ask yourself if you can be
patient with 8-12 weeks before your tank can
just begin to start to show it's beauty.
I also recommend Bob Fenner's "The Contientious Marine Aquarist" even though it is a bit dated. It will give you some good basic advice.


All of us here have made mistakes. The key is not to make a mistake twice. IMO, the MOST important thing to have is PATIENCE. Yes it sucks, but trust me. It's well worth the wait. Who ever thought I'd be giving advice on patience?!!! It took a while, but I've finally got it....and a nice tank!! Good luck. COOP.