Hello everyone! My new nano cube


The color of the Niger Triggerfish, also known as the Redtooth Triggerfish, may change from day to day between blue and green with a striking, lighter blue highlight on the fins and long tail lobes. As an adult, they acquire bright red teeth, making them quite interesting to watch when they eat.
The Niger Triggerfish requires a 70 gallon or larger aquarium with rocks and caves for hiding, and may rearrange the landscaping and rocks. It vocalizes using a "grunting" sound. They are a great active fish for the more aggressive, fish-only display.
The Niger Triggerfish needs a varied diet of meaty foods including; squid, krill, clams, small fish and hard shelled shrimp to help wear down their ever growing teeth.


well i did a little bit of investigating and finding my way around the site i used the search forum and put in clown trigger and this is what came up, you were right about it being in a nano and i owe you a bazillion bucks, lol, but it is nothing like my tank and i am not that stupid to put a clown in a nano, but the guy at ***** said it will grow to my jbj nano and here is the link https://www.saltwaterfish.com/vb/show...ight=nano+pics


if you click the link, it will clearly show that it is not my tank, and now would you please leave me alone


Originally Posted by usinkit
he lied!!!
if he did, then i will make a fuss tommorow and take the fish back and get a smaller fish, would you recomend i do that


you have a nano cube with a niger triggerfish that can reach 1 foot in size. thats half the size of your tank. why would you do that to a fish? try doing some research before you buy. it will save you $$$ down the road and may save a fishes life!!!


iam sorry, but i am very new and have been wrapped up in impulse buying,lol, but as far as what the other guys were saying earlier this is clearly not the same tank you agree


yes take the fish back he will not make it in your tank. stay with small fish . dont listen to that guy anymore. do your own research before you buy.


Originally Posted by mitzel
Because he's been banned before for causing troubles . He's not new just has a new name
problems, it takes 2 to have a problem not just one and in all honesty you should be banned not me