Hello Everyone, New to Salt Water Tanks! Starting with Innovative Marine Nuvo 16


Active Member
I believe you are talking about 10,000 and blue actinics. I do the following.
Blues 12 hours
White 8 hours
Set your timers to maximize the time you are home. We run our blues from 12:00 pm to 12:00 am. And the whites from 2:00pm - 10:00pm.
You can run longer or shorter depending on when you want to view the tank or if you get blooms of algae or cyano.


Originally Posted by tthemadd1 http:///t/395166/hello-everyone-new-to-salt-water-tanks-starting-with-innovative-marine-nuvo-16/40#post_3519252
I believe you are talking about 10,000 and blue actinics. I do the following.
Blues 12 hours
White 8 hours
Set your timers to maximize the time you are home. We run our blues from 12:00 pm to 12:00 am. And the whites from 2:00pm - 10:00pm.
You can run longer or shorter depending on when you want to view the tank or if you get blooms of algae or cyano.


Woke up this morning and tank was cloudy, one clown dead, feather duster popped his crown, blue damsel is dying, other clown has swolen gills... i was told it was because i changed all my filters at one time. All my levels are normal!!! UGH


Active Member
To Bo honest no spike in three weeks makes me think there was never a cycle. Also take some water to your LFS to test something is awry


Originally Posted by tthemadd1 http:///t/395166/hello-everyone-new-to-salt-water-tanks-starting-with-innovative-marine-nuvo-16/40#post_3519291
To Bo honest no spike in three weeks makes me think there was never a cycle. Also take some water to your LFS to test something is awry
I have, they got the same results as my test..
Ive come to 3 conclusions for my incident. 1) The water i used to top off was contaminated some how, it came strait from a bottle of water from the store. 2) The new fish food i tried, was contaminated 3) I changed my filters this friday, and i didnt rinse them off before installing them.. maybe they contaminated it.
Something really messed up my tank. I did a 40% water change and will do another one in a day or 2.. then ill let it set for a few more days before testing


Active Member
Let it cycle. When you were cycling the tank and saw no change in numbers were their any fish in the tank? Raw shrimp? Ghost feed? If there is a spike in ammonia now it seems the fish added started a cycling process.
Do you have any fish left alive? If so a quarantine tank may work. If no quarantine water changes often to get your ammonia low, After this you should have the nitrite and then Nitrate spikes.
If there are any inverts corals or other fish you could take them to your LFS and see if they will hold them while you cycle.
Sorry about the bad crash and hope you stick it out. Best of luck.


Active Member
Retread you thread from the beginning and I think the issue is no cycle happened. There are many ways to cycle your tank but you have to have some organic matter breaking down to cycle. It seems like there were never any waste products in your tank for the first few weeks and that is why you never had any spikes.
I'm not sure that changing the media in your canister filter would have caused the spike if you had good bacteria load in the tank after it cycled.


Thanks.. all i have left is a cleaner shrimp and a goby...Yes, i agree.. the tank is likely cycling.. I dont have anywhere to put my fish.. the LFS wont hold them.. i guess i have to hope they survive unfortunately. Id hate to lose my shrimp.. they are pretty tough to come by where im at.


Active Member
Try online for someone to hold them. There is bound to be someone in your area. At this point daily water changes to get you ammonia down, then test it daily until your nitrites and nitrates bloom. Sorry such chaos but you will survive this. The goby and cleaner shrimp? Maybe maybe not.


Ill do some searching, if not they gonna have to try to survive the concentration camp.. ugh
Mine is mostly gotti and greyline


Well-Known Member
If u can get it. Sum lfs will sell u salt water. U could try that. It would add cycled water to your tank. My place does it. They do it out of the lr tank