Thanks everyone.
Well I am married with 4 children and I have too much money to spend at times.
I would love to have an aquarium in evry room if I was allowed to do it.
I am very thankful that my husband loves animals! We have 3 large dogs outside "Timber, Liza and Rusty", 5 small pom poms dogs inside "Pepper, Sasha, Yorkie, Ewok and Chabaca" 6 parakeets, 1 Conure "Maggie", 4 Cats "Fat Cat, Little Guy, Duece and TO.
Most of these pets have been given to me by friends and family members they know we are suckers for not giving animals to the pound.
I started with Freshwater Aquariums and succesfully kept a 55 gals for 10 yrs, but I was always facinated by the salt water fish, but to afraid to start. I had always heard on how dificult it was to maintain one.
But our good friend Randy at the pet store said with all the new technology now I should be OK.
Well I started at the beginning of July and I went to fast to soon, my whole system crashed, and well I almost gave up.
But here I am again.
My current setup is 180 gal, wet & dry trickle system, skimmer, UV sterlizer, 2 powerheads along with 2 12 in Fizz bars in tank for circulation, Live rock along the length of the tank with 2 pink tip anenomes, 1 rose anenome, 1 lrg yellow anenome, 2 dark green carpets, 3 small light green carpets, 1 green star polyps, and 2 corals which I do not know the names of them (still researching), 3 yellow tangs, 1 hippo tang, 4 sand sifting gobys, 2 maroon clownfish, 1 tomato clownfish, 1 coral banded shrimp, 5-6 crabs, 5-6 snails. I love my tank it is being kept clean by all the hard workers in there. No more hair algae. But I would like to add some cleaner shrimp, also a pair of mating clownfish and mating shrimps. I would like more fish in my tank along with more verts, my tank believe or not looks bare still.
Wow, did I need to talk or what! my family does not understand my passion with this hobby.
My kids recent the fact that I spend too much money on this hobby and my husband I think appreciates the fact that I don't nag him too much on his expenditures.