Hello everyone!!


Long time reader, first post. Must say I love the forum and have found very useful information throughout the last 1 1/2 years of having my tank. Some pics below--please let me know what you think, and sorry for the poor quality pics--still learning with photography! In summary my equipment is a 72 gal bowfront, 80 lbs fiji, 40 lbs live sand, 2 250 watt MH, 2 110 watt VHO, Aqua C Remora Pro, Emperor 400, Tunze 6000 w/ 7091 controller, SpectraPure Litermiter 3, and a PinPoint PH monitor (which I have a question about, but since this is my introduction i'll post another thread.)
For livestock I have 2 juvenile aquacultured black & white percs, a flame angel, chevron tang, and blackcap basslet. I have around 50 blue leg hermits, 50 turbos, 2 sally lightfoots, 4 emerald crabs, 4 peppermint shrimp, 2 fighting conch, and 2 queen conch.
SPS--ORA Pink Acropora, ORA Green Millepora, Fiji Acropora Divaricata, Pavona Cactus Coral, Purple Montipora Digitata, Acropora Plana frag, Neon Green Acropora Humillis frag, and a Pink Tip Acropora Nasuta frag.
CLAMS--1 3 1/2" t. crocea
LPS--Purple Fungia, small hammer, small candy cane, small "slipper" brain.
SOFTIES & POLYPS--Pulsing Xenia Elongata, clove polyps, purple, neon green, & blue ricordea, purple button polyps, purple spotted mushroon, purple button polyps, green button polyps, yellow polyps, as well as several different morphs of zoanthid.
Anyhow, thanks to everyone who contributes information we all learn from--I am excited to share some of my experiences thus far, and also be able to ask questions directly!



Hi all,
Just recently bought a pinpoint PH monitor, calibrated it as instructed, and when I put it in the tank it jumped around like mad. I waited a day, re-calibrated it, and placed in the tank again. I've now noticed that at night or when just the actinics are on, it stops fluctuating and reads from 8.10 in the middle of the night to about 8.17 at the end of the actinic "sunrise", but after the MH come on it goes whako again. Is this normal? A bad probe maybe?
--BTW, salifert ph test kits confirm the 8.1 or so in the morning, and mid day I'm getting a solid 8.3 on the salifert.
Just for the heck of it, water parameters are as follows:
Temp-78-81 degrees
Salinity 1.025 w/ refractometer
Alk 9.0 dkh
Calcium 440 ppm
Nitrate--continually undectable with both Salifert and LaMotte test kits.
Thanks in advance!


Working on pics still!! Having trouble with my files being oversized--I edit to lowest quality and they still won't fit!! Can get them down to about 520 x 650, and about 1.0 mb. Any suggestions?


Active Member
The program I use to resize pics gives me several options, but one says 'best for web'. If you have a option like that it works well =c)


Active Member
I use photobucket, just download your pic to there, then copy and paste the last line where it says img


Active Member
Welcome to the boards!
Cant wait to see pics of your tank, it sounds awesome. I use photobucket too, to resize my pics.


Okay Okay--I was excited that I finally figured the upload thing out, and my pics are super small!
I'll keep trying--will photos you can click and enlarge on photobucket upload to this site?