Hello, Everyone!

Wow! I see that some of you are late night owls like me!:eek: Seems like I can't get time to check things out until everyone here has settled into bed.
I appreciate everyone that is still welcoming me to the board and offering some comfort and reassurance. I'm still experimenting with pictures since I see that the one I tried did not post. :(


Active Member
Originally posted by Weep No More
Wow! I see that some of you are late night owls like me!:eek: Seems like I can't get time to check things out until everyone here has settled into bed.
That is all we generally are :D
And late is the ONLY time I can do anything. After everyone goes to bed. Its the only time my brain has "alone" time. :D :)


Active Member

Originally posted by Weep No More
Kreach and waterfaller1, I really wish I knew how to post such cool animated characters. They are out of this world.
Maybe someone will explain to me?:confused:

The easiest way to do it is this.
Save the picture to your computer, then go down to the box marked "Attach File" below where you type your posts. Click the "Browse" button, then choose the picture file you are wanting to attach to your message. When you post your post, the picture should show up with it.
Hope that helps! :)


Active Member
I think you are talking about the avators?? The images you see under our names? they can only by 50x50 pixels. I had a hard time with this one. Hopefully someone can explain an easier method than what I did. But if you find something you like, you must reduce it to meet the requirement. The moving "gif" (I think they are called, someone correct me) files are different. I believe there are actual websites you can get these from.
Thanks, Melody and broomer5. I have been learning in Dell Image Paint Shop Pro. I have used the technique that you described Melody. I hope the picture works.
I hope someone will write me back if this picture comes through. I couldn't find my thread on the opening of the message board, so I'm not sure if people know it is there or not. Other messages have come in and bumped my thread downwards and out of view.Thanks!
Thanks, but I just saw some great pictures by J21Kickster and I am so discouraged. I was going to post a 6 pack; but, now I feel too ashamed for anyone to see.:( I really have tried hard to make my 29 gallon succeed. I just don't understand how you can get that much lighting to do the job right; yet, still have a nice decorative, attractive hood on top for the visual display.


New Member
Hi Weep. Just wanted to say that I have just joined this forum a couple of days ago and I have learned alot from these fine people already.
From lighting to sand depth. I'm like a sponge right know soaking up as much I can.
Thanks to everyone.


I think your tank looks awesome!!!!!!!! I'm starting out, had a box with salt water in it, to now a cloudy milk bath.I know its only 2 weeks in but all I want it to see my blue backgound. You should be very proud of your tank. I'm jealous that's like 1 yr away for me. Nice job


Active Member
You can pretty much put up a post asking for avatar help, supply the picture or animation, and myself or someone will do it for you. Usually people here actually try to be the first to help.:)
Weep No More, you have a lovely tank, and welcome aboard!:)
Well, once again I have finally found time to check the board!!!!! I want to thank some people who have posted for me. I hope and pray that I don't leave someone out through oversight. :)
It was good to here from you 'rbmount', 'kipass4130','robb', 'smoothounds', 'fez', 'nicky1.8t', 'kelkoolaid', 'tboman2' and last-but certainly not least 'sammystingray'!!:eek:
Thanks for all the compliments! Because of the kind words, I may get brave tomorrow night- when I have more time- and post some individual pictures of my fish.
But, for now I better get some sleep so that I will be energized to teach those precious children. Good night everyone! :eek: