Hello I'm new and have lots of dumb questions!!

catch 22

New Member
Hello I'm new and have lots of dumb questions!! I just purchased a used 55 gal acrylic aquarium from a friend of mine. It came with one of those sumps with the balls on one side. I had a submersible heater already and put that in the sump. This is my first saltwater setup and I'm trying to go slow. I filled the tank with RO water from the LFS. I have crushed coral and some large coral pieces in there now.
Here's where you all come in:
I'm looking for a community tank with as many different kinds of life as possible. I've had freshwater tanks with aggressive fish and it really limited what you could have. I'm looking for lots of color and different things going on. Any suggestions? This seems like the right time to ask (before I get too far in one direction).


Those are all really good suggestions. Here's a few more suggestions on hardy tankmates which are pretty compatible with other fish: flame or longnose hawkfish (my favorites), small coral hogfish, tank-bred clowns (clarkii or ocellaris), tank bred pseudochromis, and a six-line wrasse. Good luck. Take it slow and be patient....

car guy

you probably would want to skip the pseudochromis, most are overly aggresive and aren't good choices for reefs and community saltwater tanks


Just have a wonderful time!!!!!!!!
And soon that 55 gallon will be too small....


New Member
Now there are no "dumb" questions when it comes to this expensive of a hobby. I am just starting out to, I have had my tank for a year and have only learned what I know from asking lots of questions. A few things that I have found out is that if you want to add any kind of Tangs, Butterfly, or Angels, really consider the species before you go out and buy(I have learned the hard way) For instance you say you want a little color in your tank, and that is what I wanted to start with, my local fish supplier talked me into buying a yellow tank-big mistake. They are territorial and if you dont add a couple of fish at the same time the WILL kill your new fish that you add to your tank. The Tangs and others I listed are best when kept singly, don't have more than one or less that 5 because the have a tendency to reject those of the same species, on most cases. For some great eye pleasing color, the Lemonpeel Dwarf angel is an excellent community fish and also species like gobies and even boxfish. Be aware that there has been instances of boxfish or sometimes called trunkfish secreting a poisonous substance under stressful conditions and after death, which can wipe out your entire population. Good luck

oldest salt

New Member
Hi Catch 22
I have to agree with Tamaralynn, there are no dumb questions in life. Asking questions is a great way to learn along with experience. And it's the personal experience of those who will respond to your questions that you seek. Good luck!
So, here's my nickles worth of experience.
There is so much advice out here that you have to screen it with a fine tooth comb. What works for one may not work for you, to many variables. Here's an experiment for you, ask ten different pet store opperators, "What's the best way to set up a reef tank?". See how many different answers you get.
First: Get good books!, AND READ THEM!!!
Some recomended authors: Bob Goemans' Live Sand Secrets.
John H. Tullock's, Natural Reef Aquariums.
Also, works by Julian Sprung, Delbeck and others. In other words, if you want to learn how to be succesfull keeping marine aquariums you must study those who have been succesful already.
This is a very rewarding hobby but, it can be frustrating, expensive and challanging. The rewards are wonderful. But it is not as simple as cuting a piece of the ocean reef out and putting it into an aquarium and sitting back to enjoy.
They require constant attention to little things. All explained in the literature.
Oh yes, one more thing, buy a reliable water test kit.
Sincerely and best wishes!
The Oldest Salt