Hello, Just got my first Zoas!


New Member
Ok I took 2 pictures. Ill post them when they're uploaded. Sorry there not the best, I dont have a macro lens for my new camera yet.


Active Member
cant really see, but look up zoa pox. if its zoa pox it wont crash your tank, but you will have to treat for it soon with Furan 2


New Member
If you compare my first picture when they looked good, to the last one youll see a good 1/4 of them are closed up with the white stuff. I looked into the zoa pox and im just not sure. i have 4 hours before I leave and no one in town has the furan stuff. I guess if it gets down to it ill just remove it before I leave.


Like most things, the sooner you treat the better but I think you will be ok. Don't worry about the palys causing chaos in the tank.
In December, I had a tank totally full of the palys, litterally ripped the live rock out (all covered in the palys) stuffed it into totes, moved the tank, readded the rock trying to get as much as I could back into the same positions, and refilled the tank. I added back the fish and ran carbon and had zero issues.
When I say tear stuff out of the tank, I mean it, I had them growing and connecting the live rock, all over the glass, overflows, powerheads, everything. I was in a hurry because of the weather so this was a pretty barberic move. I ran carbon (I always do) and had zero issues and zero losses. This tank is already back to it's previous state. They grow incredibly fast. I can't believe how many I ripped off the glass and equipment and threw away and the tank is again filled.


New Member
Thanks for the info. My wife is out of town, and where shes is has a pet shop that sells the stuff. She is gonna bring some home on saturday. I wrote down some instructions for her. thanks again you guys rock!!