Hello , new here


New Member
Hi i just set up my new 150 gal tank . JUST GoT IT FILLED UP AND MY TEMP AT 79 and my hydrometer at 1.022 . now i'm off to look for some live rock. :joy: I'M sure you will be reading a lot of dumb questions and bad spelling from me soon :notsure: from what ive red it's looks like a great site . to bad i didn't find this site before i filled up my tank with tap water . but i'm on a well water . should i drain it and buy ro water . for 125.00 ?


Active Member
I'd complete the cycling of your tank with what water is in there, then do a 50% or more water change with RODI based seawater once it's cycled before you add fish.


Heck for a hundred and twenty five bucks you can almost afford your own RO unit. (You know, Lowes sells them)
Welcome to the sight though...
As far as your water, we can't know from this end. The only irreversible damage would be copper. If you have a way to find out if there is an in your well water, that would greatly help. If you do have it, then you'd be wasting your money adding the LR, if not then anything else will phase out over your future water changes...


Active Member
no get rid of the well water unless u use a RO unit. i had well water and you want to talk about unwanted algea you can't get rid of. DO something though. That well water is nothing but trouble. it will make you want to rip your hair out


I agree start it off right with RO you will fight some bad algae during and after especially with well water city water is bad but well water IMO is worse!!
plus if its a reef the well we had had some copper elements in the water along with other heavy metals which are harmful or fatal to inverts.


New Member
. i paid 200. for 70 lbs .of live rock .this stuff looks great ! the guy i bought it from had it for five years . how do i load pic?


Active Member
As far as your well water is concerned, it's entirely a matter of what is in it. If the water is high in phosphates, algae will be a big problem, so these guys have a point. It's all in whether or not you want to waste the money you have invested in the salt you've already used.
The other posters here obviously lived in localities where well water caused problems. It may very well cause the same problems for you, but it also may not. The only way you'd know for sure is to run a complete gamut of tests on it. Really, an RODI is where you want to end up regardless, it gets your water to a known starting point every time.


I've been buying RO water for months now, could of bought 4 RO units at least by now. But just ordered a six stage one for 189 :cheer: Can't wait. I had high ammonia, and high iron in my well water, was killing my fish, had lots of algae to. If I would of known I would of started off with RO. Another salty friend has high copper in their well water. Unless u have it tested you won't know what is there. Good luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
i used tap water, but i got a dechlorinizer (sp?)

All a dechlorinator does is removes chlorine from the water. The chlorine would dissipate from the water anyway if you aerate 24 hours before adding it to the tank.
The tap water will still have all the metals, phosphate, copper, iron, fluoride, and such that it has in it, which is detrimental to your tank and will cause algae blooms in the future.


Active Member
I have well water too. Dissolved Silica was my enemy with it, brown diatoms everywhere on the well water..
Look at the "Air-Water-Ice Co. RO units, the folks here where the ones that told me about them. About 125 bucks for there "Reef Keeper Model"
A LOT better than the ones at the big hardware stores too, for less money!!i


That is the site that I just ordered mine from, it was recommended to me by a friend, and I think this is the one that "Beth" uses. Highly recommended. So I went for it.