Hello slk3599


Hello, I thank you for the advise!!! I am really getting steamed with my lfs. He has been sending me down the money path. I would like to know: Is this the reason for my fish dying? also do I rinse the carbon before adding to bottom of biobale? How often do I need to change the carbon? How long before I add new fish? I can't thank you enough, no one seemed to want to answer me.


40 gal f* o no lr. two pwerheads, crush coral sub. bakpak. my readings are very good; ph 8.0, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate .40, salinity .022, temp 76. I have had the tank cycled for a year, actual set up was early November. I have had the carbon in the tank for two days and water is still cloudy. I don't think the hassle is worth it. I appreciate all of you help. I don't know if you read my other post, but I lost a clown and I'm not sure if the other one is going to last. I am very disgusted and so confused, all I am doing is dumping more and more money into this and not getting any results. Should I ditch the bak pak and go back to the skilter? I never had any big problems with it other than it was old. Thank You!!!


Okay I won't ditch the bp, sorry I blew of steam at you!!!! I would like some info on the penguin filter you mentioned. How big of a filter is it....does it hang on the back..... what kind of $$$$ are we talking....I have invested so much money. to answer your ? on the biobale. No unfortunatly I was told by lfs to just change it over. So am I basically rfe-cycling my tank? How often do you vacuum your substrate? I get all kinds of opinions on this. I will try to have more patience. My tank was so clear and pretty ( although not many fish) and now I hate to look at it. I thankyou and hope I didn't come off as a spoiled brat!


One more question.....whats your thought on adding live rock? What all would be involved in that and would the $$$ be worth it?


Thanks Susan!! I'll look into the penguin and I hope this will end my bad luck. Does it seem normal, though, that I have never been able to get nitrates below .40? By the way my tank is 40 gal.
PS. My email is rmp195@aol****
[This message has been edited by Polka (edited 02-15-2001).]


You mentioned a clean up crew. I have read a lot of posts about that. I would have no clue as to how many of what to put in. I think the shrimp are pretty cool. Snails? I just read your opinion on "Conscientious Marine Aquarist" I'm going to try and pick it up this week end. I'm sure I will not feel quite so stupid. I bought a couple of other books and got a little info out of them, but with so many books out there, didn't know which one would be the best. Thanks for your time!!


Thanks Susan for the info.....could I add say 2 pepermint shrimp and 5 scarlett crabs all at one time? I will try those sites for the book.....everyone else is on a special order basis.
Hey fixit......what kind of tank do you have?


Gee guys, you are making me feel so tiny with my little 40 gal. I had said earlier in a different post that I think in my next life I will buy the tank I want and build the house around it. hheehhahahah. Hey Mr. fixtit.....I hope your wife understands or else I hope the tank will be big enough to sleep in.
Susan....are you ok after telling that guy off on the skimmers. I wanted to add a small comment, however it was closed. Do you know why? Okay back to fish stuff... Any opinion on the best test kits. I have been using a marine kit by aquarium pharm. (The liquid one) Also using quickdip for nitrate and nitrite for back up so being I thought I was having a time with 'trates being high. Is one more acurate than the other? What do you use? Also is there a certain way to acclimate shrimp and crabs other than just taking it slow? Thanks!!


Thanks, Susan. Should I be testing for other things other than ammonia, 'trites, 'trates, ph, salinity? You mentioned calcium and alk. What and how do they affect the water?