New Member
I few weeks ago my boyfriend broght home a fifty five gallon aquarium that he got intrade for some hair cuts. Since we have been interested in what we should put in it. I already have one thirty gallon that I have raised fresh water angle fish in. I have always wanted a salt water aquarium so I have decided to give it a go. We have been researching alot we want a reef tank, but we are confused about what lights are best and at a good price. I would like advice on what to buy for a 55 and what products are best. I want everthing to be perfect. Right now the 55g is in the basement with water in it to make sure there are no cracks also how should I clean it since I dont know what was in it? Remember I need adivce on everything I only have the tank.
I few weeks ago my boyfriend broght home a fifty five gallon aquarium that he got intrade for some hair cuts. Since we have been interested in what we should put in it. I already have one thirty gallon that I have raised fresh water angle fish in. I have always wanted a salt water aquarium so I have decided to give it a go. We have been researching alot we want a reef tank, but we are confused about what lights are best and at a good price. I would like advice on what to buy for a 55 and what products are best. I want everthing to be perfect. Right now the 55g is in the basement with water in it to make sure there are no cracks also how should I clean it since I dont know what was in it? Remember I need adivce on everything I only have the tank.