

New Member
My wife and I have been reading these forums for about a month or so now and we figured we would actually register and start posting for a change. I am sure we will be asking some questions here and there - and hopefully answering some as well.
With that said - Hi, everyone!


Active Member
Hi and welcome, I just registered a couple days ago. So I'm still new here also.


Active Member
Welcome, welcome...
Where are you at with your tank set-up? Just beginning, read, read, and then read some more before doing anything. This is a GREAT hobby, but you sure do have to research and then practice what you've researched. Think things through before doing them.
And most important...HAVE FUN!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Welcome to Saltwaterfish. We have a very friendly, knowledgable, and helpful community here that I am sure you will enjoy. Make sure you get a few opinions before following any directions as we all make mistakes from time to time :)