Help - 14G Biocube - lost fish


New Member
Hi all,
I seemed to have lost my clown - was wondering if there was some place in the 14G biocube that I could be missing... not in the overflow or, at least visibly, in the pump.... help!
Background: 10 lb live rock with lots of crevices/holes - Oc. clown was the first I put in - really small. Put in a small goby and a (diadema sp?) basslet. The basslet when all crazy - attacking both goby and clown. Right before I pulled out the basslet to return, clown went missing. To catch the basslet, had to take out live rock - shook it, looked in crevices (as best as possible) but no clown

Turned everything off and looked in the overflow and pump - still nothing. Anywhere I am missing? My best guess is that he got chased into a crevice by the basslet and is dead

I'm going to pull out the live rock again to look very very carefully tonight...


A few people on this site have found there fish in one of the back chamber's
Turn the pump off and look back there w/ a flash light..
Bonebrake has a post in this section w/ some info on your issue!!


check the back chambers!!!! not once but alot they tend to hope over and are hard to spot even with a flashlight, you might have to even stick your hand down in there to feel for him! or is there anything else in the tank that might be able to eat him like maybe he died and the cleaning crew got him!


New Member
Hey JPJae, Did you find your clown fish? I have the same tank and I discovered one morning that my clown had jumped into the chamber where the return pump is located. While trying to get it out it suddenly disappeared, then i noticed a narrow gap between the chamber wall and the min. and max. sight glass. There is enough room for a fish to get lodged in between the outside wall of the tank and the false wall of the third chamber. I took a pair of pliers and pried the top of the false wall out with one hand and poured tank water into the third chamber filling it to the top floating my clown fish over the wall and back into the return pump area and then managed to net him. What a morning that started off to be. I hope you found your fish.


Make a very thorough check of all the little crevices behind the tank to be sure that he didn't jump out of the tank if it had an open top. I'd double, triple, and quadruple check everywhere in the back chamber and the rock. If you've still not had any luck he may have died and been cleaned up by the detritivores before you ever saw him. They can work surprisingly fast sometimes.
If you can't find him keep an eye on your water quality for the next few days. A piece of dead livestock in a nano could bring the quality down very quickly.
Good luck finding him.