Help : Abt the Majestic Angelfish

Hi, there,
This is Jeffrey Chiang from Taiwan. May I ask a question abt the Majestic Angelfish?
I have a Emperor juvenile and Arabian Angelfish and Flame,Orangelined Angelfish in my reef tank. They did not bother the soft corals and other corals at all. And the Emperor is 4.5 years old now. When I saw the Majestic...I bought him twice recently . And the one I bought were bigger than other Angelfish and were adult. But the one was dead in 3 days after he went into the tank, and the other was 1 day only then....They did not have any disease.
I heard lots news abt the hydride to catch the deep sea fish in Philippines and Indonesia . So when we get the fish, they may have only abt weeks to survive. There are some situation as mine in Taiwan. I do not know if it is also happen US ... I really hate the fishman to catch the beauty fish by this way. It's harmful to the reef lives. :(


my guess is that your other angelfish most likely picked on him, angels dont get along well with eachother. Did he look injured in anyway??
well, my tank is abt 500 liters + , and the angelfish stay with each other okey. The majestic did not get any hurt and no other angel bite him. Coz he is bigger than others. In the aqurium, another one was dead in the same day as mine. The boss said they might been poisoned when they were catched. I cannot find any wound or any parasite on/ in his body.( I dissected him and find out why....)


It is a possibility that the fish were cyanide caught. If the fish came from the same store and died within just a few days of each other that is a total possibility. I wouldn't try another majestic from that store again. He might not know how the fish are being caught, so I would just wait and see what else he brings in and try and leave the fish in the store for a while before you take him home. My local store always qt's all of his new fish for 7-10 days before releasing anything. That way he knows that he is selling a healthy fish. Makes sure that they eat and he keeps all his holding tanks treated for all parasites and anything else that he can prevent


I too have heard of the ways some of these fish are caught--however i don't thnk it's as common as it used to be. At least both my lfs' say it's almost non-existant now. As far as the death is concerned, that is a possibility but not the probability. My vote is no more angels. wow-are they ever gorgeous though!!
AquaMan2 ,yes. They all can eat something like frozen shimp... and when I took them home, they also can eat some of my alga. I really do not know the reason. The store also has the problem with this kinda fish recently. I thought maybe the way to catch them is not so correctly. I am trying to find a healthy Majestic in my tank....
They are so pretty. And my other angels are not so aggressive to each other..Coz I chose the diff. color and diff. size. And I always put the biggest at least.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
The best defense against this is allowing time for the specimen to settle in the dealer's tank. Most dealer's will do this if a small deposit is left. We imported direct at the place I worked at when in high school and college and this was typical, especially with blueface and majestic angels, although many species are at higher risk. They would die with no apparent outside markers. The good news is that provided you get a good specimen that settles in well, they are hardy and according to the book Angelfishes and Butterflyfishes there are representatives from both species that have been living in captivity for over 25 years! By the way that's a great book. The authors are Allen and Steene.