Help Algae With Pics


Ok this morning i cleaned my glass is had green algae when i come home about 6 hrs later my glass was covered again i cleaned spots in the first pic so you could see it better the second pic is my rock that has turned green in a day and the third pic is the same rock the day before whats going on here?
my tests are good my last water change was 4 days ago my lights a 4x54 (1)420 atinic (1)50/50 (2) 10,000k on from 5 am till 10 pm with a timer



im no expert but maybe cut back on your lights
you say you have them on from 5am to 10 pm thats a total of 17 hours


Active Member
Definitely need to cut back the hours!! Your main bright lights should only be on for 7-8 hours at most.


Active Member
My personal preference is to have the lights on late into the night instead of early in the day. My actinics are on from 10AM-12:30PM, my MH's are on from 12:00PM to 8PM, my actinics come back on at 7:30PM and go off at 12:00AM, then after that my moonlights are on.

crypt keeper

Active Member
get like 7 large turbo snails. They will take care of that mess in a week. Also check your water. Make sure your paremeters are correct/ What type of salt are you using?