HELP Anemone shipped in green water


New Member
I ordered a Bulb Anemone and when I got it, it was in DARK green water. It's not looking so good It's in a ball and has little stringy things coming off of it. Is it going to die? Do I need to take it out? It's not a pile of mush at this point and is moving around the tank



Active Member
Ummm wow, by the looks of it, if it makes it I will be shocked. The fact that it is moving around the tank is amazing. That anemone looks so bad from your pics I didnt recognize it as an anemone when I saw it LOL. Man I hope it makes it... good luck.


New Member
I got if from this web site. I contacted and they said sometimes they lose tissue. It didn't smell bad, but looks horrible. Is there anything I can do?


Active Member
If it is intact and passed the sniff test then odds are it is fine.
It just squished itself to expel everything. It definatley looks like it didnt enjoy the trip during shipping.
Never underestimate how gnarled they can look when you move them against thier will.
Keep an eye on it closely for signs of it falling apart or any rot. It IS common for them to drop a tentical or two and it wont hurt the specimen.


New Member
Well it did look like dye. I am assuming it was supposed to be green like they have in the display picture and when it got here the water was a dark slightly cloudy green and they anemone was white. Does that mean it was dyed? It has what looks like slime floating off of it(not huge quantities but you can see it), is it rotting? It is still holding it's shape in a ball though


Active Member
It sounds dyed. Common practice with anemones.
Feed him if he'll take it. Get him out of the bright light. But he'll be a tough one.
They said the anemones some times lose tissue durring shipping???? What the heck?? I have never heard of that and have never had this problem with other online stores. They need to send you a new anemone ..this one looks dead. Can you show us another picture on how it looks today or have you given up on it already?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sea_nacl_h2o
They said the anemones some times lose tissue durring shipping???? What the heck?? I have never heard of that and have never had this problem with other online stores. They need to send you a new anemone ..this one looks dead.
lol, I have never heard of that either. I have seen them almost turn inside out, but its oral disk is gapping.
If it turns whitish and starts to blow apart pull it and run carbon.