Help Anenome caught in intake


My bubble tip anenome was bouncing around the tank as usual and apparently was caught in the intake for one of my jets. I have unplugged the pump is there any more I can do to help it free itself?


I reacted quickly and dug the anenome out of the intake last year when this happened. I discovered that he was still alive and was hoping that he might be able to free himself if the punp where turned off. Has nobody had a succesful anenome escape from an intake?


The reason I suggested a quick burrial is that when ours got cought, it fouled the water very quickly.. What a mess... But with a quick water change, our fish managed to survive.


My condylactis suffered the same fate, I freed him gently and placed him away from the pump, when I examined him, there was just a portion of shriveled tentacles but he never recovered and I have never seen him again. :(


Well it looks like he is starting to work his way free. I will keep my fingers crossed and maybe he will be OK by morning.


I had one of mine do that about a week or so ago, I just turned off my powerhead and he worked himself free. It took him a little while but he eventually got out on his own and he is still doing fine.


dont forget to put filter sponges on your intake openings this will stop them from going in their.


well it appears that my anenome might survive. Most of his tenticles are gone or shorter, he sometimes has trouble clinging to stuff and I have to feed him by hand but he is eating and acting almost normal.
Does anyone know if is tenticles will grow back?


I just freed my purple hasian anenamone today. I have a polishing filter in my 55 gal, and it was half in it. It was horrible. This thing is great to see. It is about 8 inches fully out and I came home and it was almost completely in the filter. I gently worked with it and it finally let go. I immediatly fed it gumbo because it was not moving at all and it was as good as dead. An hour later it is wide open.SHEEEWWW. Just be gentle and I think the trick was feed it immediatly, gave it strenght. "LUCKY" I dont know


he is already free and getting better i think. It looks like an orange and white piece of plastic shrinkwrapped onto the intake. Not a pretty site.