help anenome!!!!


I was dripping some new salt water/calcium...the salt wasn't all disovled and the bucket fell in to killed.....took the sticky off and turned half of my sabae black the other half is fine though????? the anenome crab is eating part of the stuff on the dead half but just sitting in the live half...what should i do for the enenome...will the one half just fall off? will it live???


I would think if your cleanup crew is already taking its share of the anemone then its done, might as well get it out of there before it melts completly. Sounds like it recieve major damage from which there may be no return from.
A pic might help though.
Did something actually strike the anemone or are you saying its a chemical problem.
Tell you what check your water paramiters and then do a 30-50 percent water change and see if that helps.


Active Member
Watch it closely, flush when it turns for the worst. Maybe start running carbon. Get water change water ready.


no salt and i can't get just had some salt land on it and it flipped out... the only one that is picking on it is the anenome crab


its stickyness is coming back...............i am going to just watch and wait...............should i turn of lights to help reduce stress?


Ah then this is a chemical or salt burn, in that case the anemone may have simply excreated or secreated something that the anemone crab is taking advatage of, it might not be picking at the meat of the anemone itself.
Keep checking on it and post its condition in the morning, when the lights go on.


New Member
same thng happened to me..
I had a fluorishing anemone and one time I got careless... some undissolved salt landed on it and it curled up and secreted brown stuff... it died 2 weeks later... It tends to go belly up.. inside out when it dies...
Anemones are very stable but once subjected to insults they are unable to recuperate due to their very slow metabolism...
I'd throw that anemone and move on... it could destabilize your system and cost you more


man i hate walking home from work and 10:00 every night in D.C. never feel safe.........but anyway
It seems to be recuperating...i just blow of the dead tenticles when i see them with a turkey baster(there are only a few now the rest is open like usually) and i think i will feed it frozen mysid shrimp everyday to help it heal


New Member
it's always worth giving it a try... in your case the salt may have just burned the exterior... Mine got killed coz the salt landed in it's mouth and went in... :mad:


great now my clown has brooklynella...or however you spell....hmm and i just took down my QT a month ago cause i wasn't going to get anymore fish.......well I treating him with this reef safe medicine......he seems not be getting worse, but he still isn't eating