help...angel on side


Do flame angels tend to lay on their sides? He's only been in the main tank a week, The first couple of days he swam around fine, then the next couple he stayed in hiding in the rocks. Now he's laying out on his side on the sand. His color is good and his breathing is normal. I've heard of some fish doing this, but is the Flame one of them? thanks matt


Active Member
I have two pigmy angels, a Flame and a CB and have never seen either do that. They should always be grazing in and out of the rocks looking for food. Do you have other fish that might be hurting it?:notsure:


I have a mean red lip blenny, but I've never seen him nip at the flame, I also have a yellow tang, he nipped at him the first night, but then stopped. other than that, I don't have any guesses.


Active Member
Maybe post on the disease and treatment thread and metion this thread there. I dont know what that means. Maybe scared and playing dead.
Have you try to nudge it to get it to swim or see any injuries.:thinking:


Too late - he is dead. I moved him to the fuge so he could eat, he swam a little and then died. Thanks for your help.