HELP! Antennata Lionfish


I saw him this morning and one of his eyes area cloudy gray while the other eye is fine. Then i noticed he's pretty pale almost losing all his colors. All my levels are good 0 Amon 0 Nitrite about 20-40 nitrate. What should i do?


New Member
Hey, I believe you should add copper in your tank. That is a great way to rid of this disease. Also, I would go to your nearest pet shop and get the medication for your lionfish.


definatly don't add copper to your tank if you ever plan on keeping and reef inhabitants including some snails which are sensitive to copper.
if you have a quarentine tank i would put him/her in there if your going to use copper.
hopefully some other suggestions will follow.


HUH? Copper for a cloudy eye? Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't a cloudy eye more likely be a bacterial infection? I don't think I would go dumping copper in there just yet. Whats the temp., PH, and sal. If those are all within range, and the fish still looks bad(are there any other signs of illness, besides the eye?), I would try antibiotics of some sort. One of the sharks can probably give you a better recommendation than I can, I have no experience with lionfish(yet ;) ) I just didn't want you to go medicating your tank for the wrong illness.

nm reef

Active Member
Oxtim...was reding thru here and saw the suggestion for copper(thought YIKES) thought was.....hope trey catches this.........sure enough not only trey but justchillin and kdlbem spoke up........follow their advise..........they do know whats up......copper is not the route to take.....hope you get this guy fixed of luck