HELP!! Aptaisia anemones in LR. HELP!!

east tx

I sent a pic of "looks like a anemone" to a friend and he said it was a "Aptaisia". I got some new LR Friday and have several are in there.
Are they bad?? If so how can I get rid of them without hurting everything else in my tank??
Should I let them go?
I tried to send a pic but I couldn't open it after I sent it. So I must not be doing something wrong. If someone can tell me how to send a pic. I will.....
Need to know what to do. You guys have been so much help.....


Aptaisia can be bad if you do not keep the spreading to a minimum quickly. These things can reproduce both sexually and asexually and can spread extremely quick. Some say that peppermint shrimp will get rid of these pesky creatures (I had a couple in my tank and they are now gone, I do have peppermint shrimp, but not sure if they got rid of it). You do need to watch as I have heard they will spread and possibly sting/kill your other corals. Other ways to get rid of these are as follows:
1. Inject the anenome with kalkwasser.
2. Create a paste from the kalkwasser powder and spread it on the anenome. (Ron Shimek suggests heating the paste and doing a couple other things. You might want to search on this)
3. Get some peppermint shrimp to see if they help control them.
4. Nudibranchs
5. Mutilation
Just be careful as to what shrimp you get. The peppermint shrimp sold through SWF are the correct ones, they should not be the cleaner shrimp (with red/white stripe down their back).

blue marlin

New Member
I had a lot of aptasias in my tank - over 60 of those creatures to be exact. I went nuts ans did a lot of research. In my opinion, the safest way is putting peppermint shrimps in your tank. If the aptasia is too big, you may want to shoot them with some kalk mixed in water. I did both and now have them under control. Every now and then one will creep up and my shrimps take care of them. Good luck.

east tx

Thanks I'm going to get some peppermint shrimps Friday.
I did use some kalk on my rock, soaked in a saltwater bucket over night, Going to rinse the excess kalk off and put it back in my tank.
And keep watching for more. But right looks ok. I'll know next time what to do....
Thanks again


if the apastia have any size to them at all the peppermint shrimp wont touch them. in addition to getting the shrimp, i recommend injecting the larger ones with kalkwasser.