Help!!!..Aquastik epoxy to secure coral


I just got a nice coral from my LFS. I was out of aquastik and so was the LFS. The rock I want to secure the coral to is too big to pull out of the tank to use superglue. I heard of people getting epoxy stick from homedepot. Does anyone know the name and have they used it before. Does anyone know what I can do to secure the coral. Please help...


Superglue gel works under water. If I am not careful sometimes it may take a couple of tries though. Just put a glob on the end and then hold it in place on the rock until it sets. Should be about 30 secods to a minute. The most important thing is to not wiggle your hand at all and leave your powerheads off for at least 15 minutes to help it set.
If the piece is big it may be too heavy which you would want to use epoxy but this will at least work for a while.