
New Member
i just set up my sw tank 80g. got some minor quirks's my problem. what causes the water to exit the tank through the hose to get to the filter? the pump to take the water from the filter back to the tank is working fine, but i dont know how to get the water from the tank to the filter. this is a wet/dry filter set up and i don't know to get the waterflow from the tank into the hose that feeds the filter. please help asap thanks.


Active Member
Is the tank drilled? Does it have 1.5" circles cut in he glass back or bottom? If not drilled you will need to get an "overflow" box.


New Member
The tank already has an overflow box and has been used before by a previous owner.
This website has an exact diagram of the top part of my wet/dry filter (figure 2.2) When I turn on the filter, water will not siphon from the tank (or prefilter) through the U-tube and into the outside box so it can go down into the biotower. What am I doing wrong??


New Member
Originally Posted by grubsnaek
are you clearing the air from the u tube
No... that must be the problem. How do you do that??


Active Member
Get an air hose... insert it into the u-tube until it reaches the top of the arch. Put the u-tube in the overflow box, make sure both compartments are full of water and suck the air out with the air hose. The u-tube will fill with water and then you can pull the air hose out.


Well-Known Member
Dip the U-tube into the tank to fill the tube, then put your fingers over the ends of the tube. Then immerse each end of the tube in the filter box (which should already have water in it, on each side) and remove your fingers. Your siphon will then be working.


Active Member
btw, watch it closely for a while after you get it running to make sure bubbles do not collect at the top of the arch. If bubbles start to build up in the u-tube it can break the siphon.