..."HELP!! Attempting initial cycle... STINKY SHRIMP!"


New Member
Just a few questions...
I added 3 shrimp in my 55G for a few days and removed them today.. unbearable smell! I opened the hood and whew!

The water became a bit cloudy as well, is that normal?
Should I do a water change, if so how much?


Active Member
whats your ammonia level? if its below 0.5 no if its over yes. if its over 1.0 do at least a 50% waterchange.


New Member
Ok.. here are my tests as of 10 min ago.
Ammonia = 1.0
PH = 8.2
NTrate = 5.0
NTrite = 1.0
Plz advise
New setup 55G tank, 60lbs of Live sand, Regular rocks... use to be live last year. 350 Penguin Bio Filter, and a 301 powerhead.
Should I invest in a skimmer?


Active Member
Your title is misleading. You are not "after cycle". You are in the middle of it. You probably should have been monitoring your tank. Once your ammonia reached .5 you should have removed your shrimp and watch for ammonia to drop to zero and then watch for your nitrite to to drop to zero also (both ammonia and nitrites are toxic to fish). A water change after you are showing zero nitrites and ammonia will reduce your nitrates. Once ammonia and nitrites are zero your tank is cycled.
BTW welcome to the boards


New Member
Darn.. i juts threw them out.. So i'll hold on the water change for a bit and I'll ghost feed?
Just tried to change the title as well... can't. Moderators can you please rename to..."HELP!! Attempting initial cycle... STINKY SHRIMP!"


Active Member
like I said in my first post.
if your ammonia is 1.0 or higher do a 50% waterchange.
get your ammonia down to 0.5
then let the tank finish cycleing. by the appearance of nitrates showing already your cycle should go fairly quickly. but ammonia levels of 1.0 are deadly even to the bacteria you ware trying to develop.


Well-Known Member
And do not ghost feed the tank. There are plenty of nutrients in there right now - give the cycle a chance to clean things up.


New Member
Thanks... I'll do a water change tonight...
I've read that tap water isnt good =/
but thats all I can get right now.. and use "Tap water conditioner"
Does that stuff actually work?


New Member
Ok.. I tested again today.
Amm= Between .50 & 1.0 (went down?)
PH=8.2 (same)
Trate= 20 (Went up)
Trite= 1.0 (same)
Assistance Plz

aztec reef

Active Member
wait a couple of days, if ammo has risen, do another water change.
If ammo has naturally lowered, leave tank alone.. and ride it out untill cycled... whenever ammo neutralizes back to 0.. You're made..


Active Member
Distilled water (Walmart, purple cap) is better than tap. Better yet, Culligan or Glacier machines. Down by me Culligan machines are at Walmart. Glacier, I have seen at CVS drugstores and Publix supermarkets. I live in Florida. I don't know if they have Publix or CVS by you. Their water is RO and UV treated and I have tested 0 TDS (totally disolved solids) at their machines.

aztec reef

Active Member
Im gonna have to disagree with u Steve..
The best choice would be distilled water..
As far as the glacier water, i doubt u tested it and it had 0 tds..If thats true than u may need a more accurate tds meter..
All drinking water has minerals and essential electrolytes needed by human body, this minerals are, but not limited to calcium, magnessium, potassium.. This extra minerals is what makes the drinking water tasty
. thus most drinking water has 2-4 tds level..


Originally Posted by andramir82
Ok.. I tested again today.
Amm= Between .50 & 1.0 (went down?)
PH=8.2 (same)
Trate= 20 (Went up)
Trite= 1.0 (same)
Assistance Plz

Let it cycle through. There is no need for another change. When ammonia and nitrite are at zero then the nitrate will climb. Do a change then.


Active Member
Originally Posted by andramir82
Ok.. I tested again today.
Amm= Between .50 & 1.0 (went down?)
PH=8.2 (same)
Trate= 20 (Went up)
Trite= 1.0 (same)
Assistance Plz

ammonia should be going down. its a sign that your bacteria is starting to do its job, trite will stay about the same for a little while as your next stage of bacteria develops to a point where it can break down more waste that is coming in, but the fact that it stayed the same with ammonia reducing means that it is present and processing trite to trate also evinced by your nitrates rising.
you can either do a small waterchange or ride it out your choice. either way your tank will still "cycle"


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
Im gonna have to disagree with u Steve..
The best choice would be distilled water..
As far as the glacier water, i doubt u tested it and it had 0 tds..If thats true than u may need a more accurate tds meter..
All drinking water has minerals and essential electrolytes needed by human body, this minerals are, but not limited to calcium, magnessium, potassium.. This extra minerals is what makes the drinking water tasty
. thus most drinking water has 2-4 tds level..
I stand corrected
If memory serves I was testing between 2 & 4. But that is way better than my tap which tests over 150. I have been using RO/DI for the last few months and don't know why I waited so long to purchase a unit.


New Member
Thanks for the updates guys! I'll wait it out for another week or so. If results are still the same I'll do the water change.