Help !! Aussie Tusk laying by the side of the tank, breathing heavy !



Oh man, thanks for chiming in Crypt. I had the same problem on my old 175 last year, with all my fish breathing heavy. I just check the temps, it at 91 ! I changed the schedule of the lights, so it comes on less, I also setup the 6 mini fans I have on the canopy to run all the time, instead of coming on only when the lights do. What do you thing is wrong -? By the way, I was checking out your Emperor thread, sweet man !

crypt keeper

Active Member
if the temp is at 91 that is a huge issue. Most fish like it at 78. I would open the canopy. Do you have any tops covering the tank? Like glass tops?
My emp is starting to get a ton more yellow. The entire top is yellow and his tail is starting to change. I will get pics. I mean literally ever since i made that thread he changes every week. Its awesome.

crypt keeper

Active Member
i just went back and saw you have glass lids. Dude take thos eoff and throw them away. They will cause a green house effect and heat wont be able to escape. Your fish are over heating and are probably starting to go into shock. 91 degrees about 14 more than they like it to be.
Take off the glass tops. Go get some egg crate from Home depot in the lights section. Turn your heater off and open up the canopy. Allow your tank to cool down. You dont need the glass tops. They cause more harm than good IMO and in your case that is exactly what they are doing.
You need a way for the heat from the lights to escape. Drill some holes in the back. Put some fans in there run them when the lights are on. If the lights are on so is the fan.


I gotta agree on the glass top. I hate it! It keeps the heat trapped inside. Get eggcrate covers, those are the best.


Active Member
pond netting works for the tops to prevent fish from jumping. it is what I and countless others are using


Active Member
I like this stuff too. There are still some strip lights around that need glass under them. The 1" standard flouresent bulbs can break with the smallest splash of water; but if you have to use this, have glass cut to just fit the light strip, you don't need to cover the whole tank.
Also, a thermometer with a built-in temp alert is great. I've used these on all my tanks since a heater thermostat broke and I killed a tank of fish overnight. There are many things that add heat, but its usually the lights.


Hey guys ! Crypt.... I removed the glass tops, added the eggcrate, and turned off 2 of 3 heaters. I also left on the fans on the canopy, which only comes on with the lights. But it looks like this disaster was waiting to happen. Because I never use to pay close attention to the temps, because I thought the fans on the canopy was doing the job, so I left on the glass tops and canopy top. But maybe, just maybe the high temps was killing some of my fishes, like the gold puffer two weeks ago, and unfortunately my AUSSIE TUSK IS DEAD !!!!
. That one is like a kick in the stomach, makes me want to quit,especially because of the high temp. I always thought like 85-87 is good for them -? Spanko and Salt, thanks for the tips. Petey, this one is tough. I mean..........not Amm,Nitrite,Nitrates or PH....but High Temps are killing some of my fish ! I feel really bad about this, not because of the money, but they were some good fishes.


Active Member
it sucks man, but now you know the culprit and can do something about it. I lost a tusk before, but it was not an aussie.