HELP...BETH...or someone


This is the deal, I had 2 clowns with their mouths wide open, and a yellow tang who looked as is he might be getting ick so I moved them to qt. Well still in the main tank a scopas tang mand green golby, 2 damsels and several inverst (cleaner shrimp, crabs, etc.) Well on Wed. I had to go out of state, I left the tanks as they were and my daughter fed them everyday. Well I got bac k around 7 this morning and ofcourse the first thing i did was check my "babies" well
both clown had kroked in the qt. The scopas in the main tank is COVERED in ick
The damsels are the only fish that are "problem free" Well I had to take the yellow tang out of qt because both tang could not stay in the 35 qt tank together....well while moving yellow he ick looks to be gone but now it looks as if he had red dots on his lips and if they are slowly oozing blood or something. What in the world do I do! I can not put him in the qt cause the scopas is horrible. What does he have and what can I do about it with inverts in the tnak????? :help: water levels are fine and have been stable for quite some time. salinity 1.025, trites 0 amm 0 trates >10 temp 80 and ph 8.3 PLEASE HELP :needhelp: Thanks Tasha


Staff member
Put both tangs in the QT, as long as the QT water quality is good, and start treating with hyposalinity. The procedure for hyposalinity is thoroghly reviewed in the FAQ Thread. If you do not have a refractometer, then use a quality hydrometer. In the meantime, consider getting a refractometer which is very worthwhile instrument to have for this hobby.
What kind of decor do you have in the QT? Add a couple of cups of sand from your tank to the QT. See if you can find Maracyn Two for SW at a LFS, but don't use it yet.
Can you post a picture?


As far as decor in the tank I have some bleached coral dead coral what ever you call it. As far as salinity i do use a hydrometer. So both tangs will do ok in a smaller tank? There is some cc from main tank already in the qt with a heater, ph and over the back filter. Thanks Tasha


By the way I'm trying tget a pic but he won't be still long enoght to get his face. i will keep trying


Staff member
I big are these fish? It is not ideal, but what choice do you have? Is your QT with the bleeched coral, or your main tank? What is in your main tank?


The yellow is large and the scopas is smaller about 2- 2 12 inches. Yes the coral is in the qt, I have live rock in the main tank. Both tanks have cc as a bed.


Staff member
cc is not the best choice for reef tanks.
You need to treat your fish or will be dealing with ich continuously.


I will be changing to a sand bed in the very near future, I choose cc in the beginning before I knew better :D How do I treat to prevent getting ick again...I hate this and God knows I do not want to loose anymore fish :needhelp: and would love to be RID of ick. I'm not even sure what caused this outbreak, everything had been fine! Just so you know I so very much appreciate your help. :cheer: And keep the info coming


Staff member
Did you read the FAQ Thread and the posts there on ich and hyposalinity?


yes...however I think it is impossible to over read so I think I will read and read again! :yes: