Help bi color blenny is sick?


Active Member
He is eating fine and acting normal, had him about a month in DT, noticed yesterday half his mout was white, today the whole mouth is white, also has strange lines on lower half of body, here's a pic, can anyone tell me whats going on? 0 ammonia, 0 trites and trates, ph is 8.0, all other fish are fine. Thanks!


It looks to me like your bicolor is changing its color on purpose. I believe that they do this when the lighting changes, or if they want to scare off a predator. You should have nothing to worry about!


Active Member
OK, what do you think about it might be spawning :notsure: I read someplace this might be why he is getting the white bars on his body, We put a midas blenny in the tank last week, its a 150 so they don't fight at all, but maybe the bi is thinking about breeding? :notsure:


My bi color turns a realy white and purple mottled color every night when the lights go out and stays that way until they come back on. Not sure about your spawning question though.


My lawnmower blenny is doing the same thing. It just started today. He didn't eat this morning and his mouth is white. All other tankmates are fine. Anyone know what's happening???


On the Bi-color blenny, the white lines on the body are stress related. They come and go when lights go on or off, your hands are working in the tank, harassment by another fish, etc. Mine would also have white lines coming off the side/crack of the mouth but I never saw the entire mouth white. I feel like it is just stress and they will come and go. However, I would watch him closely as it is possible he has something else going on with the mouth.