Thanks for the information. I will try to answer as many questions as I can. The tank has some kind of sand in the bottom and I moved the tank without taking it out. It looks like crushed oyster shells, it isn't fine like ocean sand. Does that mean something? The back glass is growing green stuff and I am told that is good. The filter has green stuff on the intake part in the water. I have been changing one filter (it has two) every 10 days. I didn't clean the filter out when I got it and I notice when I change the filter it stirs up and dumps out dirty looking water. Should I take it off the back and rinse it out? The tank only had shrimp in it when I saw it. I will go get a ten gallon tank and do the Q tank. My tang looks much better after the copper treatment. He is eating, has good color, but has little black dots instead of white ones. I have been syphoning the sand because it looks dirty with algae floaty stuff. I don't want a dirty looking tank. I am not overfeeding I don't think. Twice a day very small pinch of Total Color Marine, something the lfs guy said to feed. My ammonia was 1.0 yesterday, it has been at 0 until then. I just checked the wheels on the filter and the light was pushed back so hard against the outside of the filter that it prevented them from turning so I fixed that. Please keep in touch with me so I can follow a plan. I need advice. I guess next is the Q tank and then then Hypo the tang in it. The guy at the fish store said he would take him back and treat him for me but I think he would just treat him with the copper since that is all he recommends that I do.