So I want to breed clown fish. I'll have the tank and decor ready in about a month. I'm not gonna have Live plants in the tank since the lighting is alot of money. The tank size is a 29 gallon tank. The reason I am asking is because I can't find the best information on google that I need. So what stuff do I need? Is their anything special? I'll have the of course the filter and heater and the hood and stand and lighting. Now here are my questions. What is the tank temp supposed to be? How long will it take for them to breed? What signs do I need to look for, meaning that they are, or going to breed? Okay now here are the fry questions. How long will it be till the eggs hatch? What will they lay the eggs on? When and what do I feed the fry? And do I feed them right when they hatch? Or could I feed them Baby brine shrimp? Do I need to separate the eggs from the parents when the eggs are laid? I know, I know, I have nooooooo idea, and I have alot of questions.