Help Building A Sump


Hey guys...maybe i should be posting on the nano thread but here goes...
I am starting a 6 gal nano....i have maintained a healthy and thriving 12 gal for over a year now and am making a "downgrade" haha. anyway, i would like to make a very simple DIY sump using a 20 gal tub you can purchase at target of the container store (you may not have this chain, but there all over the bay). anyway, would someone be kind enough to explain what equipment i will need and how to effectivly filter the tank? thanks!!!!


IMO it would work using a container. Just use the same principals as a regular sump design. Install the baffles/dividers, put in the return pump. You would have to figure a way to install the baffles, though. Maybe silicon would work. Depends on the type of materials you use. But do you want to use this type of container? Is it cost? You go to any chain pet store and get a 10 gallon tank, go to a glass shop or home center and get some glass baffles cut and a tube of aquarium friendly silicon and your done. This system and techinique works and costs about 50-60 dollars.


Active Member
If you want simple, then forget about baffles and silicone. Everyone makes too big a deal over them. The only use for baffles is to keep bubbles from getting pumped back into your display tank. Depending on the length of your sump, you can have your drain at one end and your return at the other end of your sump. Chances are that any bubbles created by your drain hose will surface and pop before getting to the other end of your sump where your return pump is. Even if they do make it to the other end without popping, they will be on the surface and your return pump will be on the bottom. If you are intent on having baffles, ust put a bucket or some container in your sump. Then have your drain hose drain into the bucket. The bubbles are contained in the bucket. The bucket must rim must be higher than the water level in your sump. Another way to avoid baffles is having a return pump with a sponge filter on its intake. Hope this all makes sense.


thank you all. awesome information. my plan goes as follows
my nano will be six i plan on the sump to be anywhere from 12-20 gals. i also plan on adding live sand, live rock, and some macro algae to the mix as well. i also plan on putting my skimmer i have been running in my 55 in the sump. i am going to place the skimmer and powerhead into plastic basins within the sump to prevent any sand or bubbles from getting to either one. my MAIN concern is how to allow the water from the tank to flow down back to the sump. any ideas? THANKS!!!